Monday, March 27, 2006

Weekend of 3/24

This weekend was just what I needed. Jim’s aunt and uncle were waiting for me when I got home at 6:00 on Friday. Even though they’re technically our guests they had made a Meijer trip and had bought all the fixin’s for dinner, including wine, AND actually cooked it for us! Steak, 2X potatoes, salad, yum! We hung out and played cards all evening and hit the sack around midnight.

Brunch with Lori turned out to be lunch as TGI Friday’s no longer has weekend brunch. We were devastated and told our waitress so. Any one know of reasonably priced brunch places in Cincy that we had try up next?

As Jim’s aunt and uncle left earlier in the day than we expected on Saturday, I returned home from my get-together with Lori to just Jim. We watched more of season 3 of 24, went out to dinner at a local joint I’d wanted to try (which I’m glad we tried but have no intention of returning to.), finished up the last two hours of 24 and read ‘till we went to bed. At dinner we brought an entertainment coupon and were surprised to see the restaurant was no longer Buffalo Bob’s but now Buffalo Joe’s. We asked the waiter if we were just crazy or had they always been Buffalo Joe’s. His response: “No, we were Buffalo Bob’s but Bob died so now we belong to Joe”. ha! I know it’s rude to laugh about someone’s death, but the way he said it was too funny.

Sunday was literally one of the best days ever. We went to 10:30 church service, went to PF Chang’s with the girls, came home and spent the afternoon cuddling, reading, cuddling, cuddled more. With the rain coming down in the background I can’t remember the last time I was quite so relaxed and happy. We sucked big-time at bowling (losing ¾ games), but had tuna noodle casserole for dinner so that made up for it. I’m beginning to see the merit in what all of you tell me to do so frequently – stop being busy. It was great to just spend time with Jim and be carefree and moderately unscheduled.


LisaMarie said...

Glad to hear someone had a good weekend. Let me know if you got my message. Sorry again about not getting back to you sooner.

RandomBitsofDigitalFlotsam said...

I'm glad you had a good weekend.

Copeland's is a fabulous place for brunch. I highly recommend you check them out.

Mamma Sarah said...

WOW! Sounds like again another relaxing weekend... is that two in a row??? How wonderful. See, it always pays to stop and smell the roses every now and then.

Viki said...

Is there a Papadeux in Cinci? Best brunch ever...

Stop being so busy? I agree, it's a good thing, but for us career women? I'd love to stop being so busy, but if I get the job I interviewed for today that won't happen until September...glad I'll love it. :-)

Sarah said...

I'm glad to hear that I wasn't the only lazy bum this weekend! But honestly, I think that it is well earned for both of us!

Next time we should be lazy together, that would be the best!