Friday, May 04, 2007

Thursday 13

Yeah, I'm a day late but yesterday was crazy from 7:30am - 10pm and there was no time to blog!!

The 13 Things I want to do in the next 365 Days

1. Give birth a healthy, little baby with as little pain as possible

2. Go to Costa Rica for Jen/Tom’s wedding where I intend on zip-lining for the first time!

3. Have at least one room in my new house that my friends honestly and enthusiastically think I decorated really well

4. Get a raise at XU

5. Lose more weight than I gained with Nicole

6. Make 1 new recipe a month out of a cookbook or from a referral

7. Spend time, not just money on charity work

8. Have date nights with my husband where we leave Nicole with a babysitter and “keep the flame alive”

9. Maintain or improve my 128 bowling average

10. Continue blogging at least 3X/week

11. Avoid getting any traffic tickets

12. Try a drastically different hair style

13. Visit one new city


Megs said...

Those all sound like great goals! I can see you doing all of those except for #12... I can't picture you with a 'drastically' different hairstyle but we'll see! Include me in #5 (loosing weight), that way as you're shedding off the pounds, maybe I can too!

Finlands finest said...

Megs---you don't need to lose any weight, I'd say you are right where you need to be...

Karen--you can do #2 and #13 at the same time!! ;)

I love #7!!

Martha said...

wouldn't want to cross off two at one time! Portland can be a new city (have you been here yet? if so, well, there are plenty of cities around here I'm sure you have NOT been!) ;)

Viki said...

So, have you gotten a lot of traffic tickets in the past year?

Anonymous said...

I'm a fan of all the mentioned goals, with the exception of the hairstyle change. We'll chat about that one :)

Mamma Sarah said...

Figures that the hubby would be against the hair style change. :-P

I think your list is totally fantastic and doable.

LisaMarie said...

Dude! Get your hair cut like a rock star and then dye it dark brown! That would be awesome! Oh wait, that's what I look like...WE COULD BE TWINS! HAHAHAHA!!!!

And I'm sure you'll do all of these things too! You can visit a new city when we move to Troy...oh wait, you probably meant a cool one...HAHA.