Wednesday, May 02, 2007

31 Weeks- 9 to go!

How your baby's growing: This week, your baby measures about 16 inches long. She weighs a little over 3 pounds and is headed for a growth spurt. She can turn her head from side to side, and she's beginning to accumulate a layer of fat underneath her skin in preparation for life as a newborn. As a result, her arms, legs, and body are filling out.

My Take: This kid is moving a lot and the feeling is so neat. I sat in a meeting yesterday and she was so active even Megan got to watch her move my stomach. I can truly say that though I feel like I’ve been pregnant for a long time (how do I have 2 more months!?) I’ll miss it when it’s over.

I'm obviously pregnant now, rather than just oddly shaped, as strangers ask me when I'm due without hesitation. I am REALLY grateful that all my growth has been in my middle and not spread out over my whole body. And though I think he’s mostly being polite, I smile every time Jim tells me I'm pretty.

Interesting fact – about half the time I dream (which is roughly 3-4/night) I'm pregnant in my dreams.


Mamma Sarah said...

I'm soooo excited that the time is coming close. Now's the time to stock the freezer with re-heat meals. :-) Lots of water!!!!!! :-)

It's almost like you have a built in tv program you can watch any time you want isn't it? :-)

Finlands finest said...

I think you look beautful pregnant!!

I hardly ever dream now, and I wish I did it more. Are you always pregnant with Nicole in your dreams?

Megs said...

Yeah, you're belly did look really neat Monday morning... it looked like a little boombox underneath your shirt. haha. Can't wait for the sumersaults! (sp???) Yeah and I still need to find that picture for you... don't let me forget!

Viki said...

I want to see your belly moving around. :-)

LisaMarie said...

I haven't seen you in forever! May 19th feels like it's still really far away!

I still think I don't really believe you're having a baby's weird for me. It means we're really grownups.