Just like ’05, here’s this year’s recap:
Age: 27
Weight: 146 (this increase hardly counts given my current situation)
Height 5’6”
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue, Right: 20/20, Left 20/15 (thank you, Lasik!)
NYE Activities: Sarah, Danny & Alex W, and Jessy, Sean, Em and Ben G came over to play games at our place
Best Of…
Movie: Talladega Nights (so funny!)
-- Worst Movie: Miami Vice
Song: I Loved Her First by Heartland
Friend of the year: Sarah Williams- she asked me to be the Godmother of her only child for crying out loud! In addition, she’s one of the most selfless people I know
Most fun thing of 2006: Cruising Alaska with super-cool people; Reunion Weekend (from Megan’s party to The Fieldhouse) with my 1320 Honeys
Most disappointing thing of 2006: Hearing that I can’t teach during the day in ’07; and, if I'm being totally honest, that I wasn’t going to give my parents their first grandchild (selfish, but true and I was over it in a day)
Most Impressive: Realizing fully how lucky my brother Mike is to have Lindsay. I thought no one was good enough for him, but she proved me wrong.
Looking to 2007…
Most Anticipated Thing: Seeing my niece, Julia Templin ;) / Having a kid
Most Nervous About: Having a kid – the pain, the responsibility, losing my ability to plan every waking moment
Goal: To have a kid that looks like the name we pre-selected for it. How scary to see the kid and have to crash through the process of choosing a name all over again that better “fits” this person you hardly know
Resolution: Not to spend time with people who bring me down. They put me in a sour mood and wasting time on them isn’t fair to the people who consistently make me happy and want to see me.
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
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Aw I loved reading this!! Esp since I was part of the most fun thing!
And I have to agree with the 'most impressive' comment. I always thought Mike was an amazing person who didn't always date winners... until I met Lindsay. I think she proved everyone wrong! I'm just sorry she didn't come around sooner!!
And I have to say that your's and Lindsay's babies are on my 'most anticipated' list too! If you guys ever need a night out... you know who to call!!
That is so not fair about Sarah being the best friend....that's as close as possible to giving you her first born son....I just can't compete with that!
(hehehe. Megan seems more than willing to babysit....if she's this willing now, she may come cheap! ;-) )
ooh, are we going to find out your *natural* hair color now that you're pregnant?? I don't think I've ever seen it!!! It's always been colored blondish.....
Damn! I made list!How freakin cool is that?!?! I have to say that I am very humbled though that you think of me so highly. You'll be a great mom youself! I'm just glad to be a good example for you. :-)
I have to agree that Lindsay is the best thing that happened to Mike! She's a great "sister" to have and an excellent addition to the Templin gang.
i made the list!!! woo hoo :-) that comment also made me cry! i do my best to make mike happy. megan and sarah also contributed to the crying ... lol.
I loved this post, too. :-)
I understand the comment about Mike & Lindsay - I think Tony may just have found a girl who's good enough for him...keeping my fingers crossed. Hooray for your new niece, too, even though you still have to wait a few months to meet her.
I'm also echoing your resolution. I couldn't agree more that being around negative people is just terrible for your own spirit...good luck with it...
I'm also with you on your resolution. It's really tough to do, but so important to surround yourself with people who bring you life rather than bring you down.
I am sure that the Baby will be perfect and you will have the perfect name to fit that perfect child!
Taledega Nights was like the worst movie to come out this year!! Absolutely terrible... And how come I'm not on your list for the great things of 2006?!
Didn't mean to make you cry Lindsay!
And I didn't realize this but subconsciously we have the same resolution... to surround ourselves with people who make us feel good about ourselves instead of those who don't. I did that earlier in the year but leaving a few guys behind and choosing not to hang out with them but I'm starting to do that with the family as well. Just hope I'm not a negative thing in your life!!!
dont worry about it ... it was a good cry!
Greg: you don't include any babies (that we know of), therefore you're not tops. I'm sorry. get used to it. it's just true, same in my family as well!
I've done that, cutting relationships with negative people. Its why I now have a "pretend friend". Sometimes, it's difficult though, to acknowledge WHO may be the negative energies and have them be lesser roles in your life. BUT, the rewards are worth it once you are happier and surrounded by other happy peoples. :-)
Lol man so that's how I get in peoples highlights for 2006, by creating babies... Well hell, I'll send a couple out just to make sure I make everyone's top lists for the year 2007. Thanks for the advice Martha... lol! Hope you are ready aunt karen...
no procreating, greg. :P mom won't like it.
oh your mom would get over it before the baby arrived! How fun would it be to have all her children procreate in the same year...and your kids would enjoy it growing up together, too!! ;-)
I have to back Karen on the Talledega Nights choice. Kendall and I thought it was so freaking hilarious we prayed to Lord Baby Jesus during the Christmas season!
Greg - please don't procreate just yet. :-D
Lindsay - sorry to make you cry. I sure have been doing that a lot lately! :-P
Karen - so your goal for 2006 was to get more friends to move to Cincy... I think you got 1 (Jen), but I'm not sure if she really counts since she's from there originally. Oh, well. Maybe you should revise your goal and include it yet again this year. :-p
No Greg! I need SOME templins to go to the bar with!!
Karen, so you did get ONE friend to move back in 2006, but how many friends moved AWAY in 2006? I believe you had one friend move to TX, and me to Portland. That gives you a net loss of 1....hmmm.
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