Yesterday was a really relaxing night. I took all the information that the builder rep sent me on features for the different models and put them into a spreadsheet to cross-compare houses. I'm still waiting on square footage information, but there seems to be a large (aka $35K) discrepancy between my preferred house and EVERY other one. Two big things that will push us closer to a decision to build or not – will homeowners association fees cover snow removal and looking at the lot again in the daylight. We’re scheduled to go see at least two other models on Tuesday. I’ll keep you posted!
Amazingly, we also had a few hours to sit down and watch Pride & Prejudice last night. Now, I know this is Lisa’s all-time favorite movie, but it wasn’t as good as I was hoping. At the time we finished I would give it a B. Now, thinking back on it, I like it more, but not much more. The acting was tremendous in general but the whole plot isn’t that thrilling and therefore the movie is often slow.
A theme that I'm finding resonates with me through movies, songs, and life is people not giving up on Love. This concept was pretty big in P&P last night, Shall We Dance? from last week and Castaway from a month ago. The theme goes like this: the main characters express their feelings for each other, life gets in the way for one reason or another, and through all that they come back to where they started by still being in love with that person (P&P: Elizabeth thinks that the guy is a jerk for splitting up her sister and her boyfriend but later sees the light; SWD: Husband expresses to his wife that though he has a new hobby that's kept them apart recently, their relationship is his most prized accomplishment; Castaway: he gets stranded on an island but clings to the memory of his fiancé at home, and she him). I find this drive very moving.
I think what gets me is that when I internalize the idea, it’s what I hope someone [would] feels for me – that I'm worth all the pent up feeling and emotion and worth “fighting for”. Obviously I'm sure everyone wants someone to feel this way about them. I think it’s why people entertain or act on the idea of getting back together with an ex- they like that the other person still sees the good in them. I know I’ve been there more than once through the years.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
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Hello, I came across your blog when "flipping through". Good luck with the house and with the baby! Greetings from Austria...
Hey, random poster! Go you!
I loved your post - I share the same sentiment really. One of the things I keep saying about Trey is that before I found him, I wanted someone who would make me want to drop everything and follow him around wherever. I think we all want that sense of feeling wanted, needed, loved, whatever...
Hooray... wow... Austria! That's fantastic!
You are so right that we all hope for someone like this. You will totally see this when you have your child and experience that something that you never thought possible. It's amazing and rocks your world inside and out.
Keep us posted on the house developments. I can't wait to hear more! :-D
I want someone to fight for me :(
That really is what it's all about, isn't it?
When you find someone that feels that way about you, isn't amazing how much self confidence that gives you? To know that someone loves you in that way? And doesn't that make you want to fight for them all the more?
Be careful about those homeowner associations. They're really communists in disguise. Make sure you get in one that does all the cool stuff like snow removal and such but doesn't dictate what colors your house has to be or whether or not you can put up a flagpole.
Yes, Homeowner's Associations are communist-like, I agree. Unfortunately they are getting even more popular.
I have one, and I hate them. For example, my mailbox is not allowed to be anything other than white. All work done to the outside of the house is supposed to be approved, etc. Real pain in the ass.
Oh yeah, that stuff they are supposed to do, like snow removal, ya, good luck with that. I've yet to find one that lives up to it's end of the bargain.
Why own property if people try to tell you what to do with it? Might as well be a renter for the rest of your life. Besdies, where do these associations get their power? I've never really understood it. What happens if you don't pay your dues or fees or whatever they call them?
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