Monday, April 30, 2007

I was tagged!!!

So Katrin has decided to tag me, which means I have to follow the rules.

The rules: each player starts with 7 random facts/habits about themselves. People who are tagged need to blog about their seven things and post the rules as well . At the end of your blog, you need to choose 7 people to get tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them that they have been tagged and to read your blog!

1. When we were younger, probably to keep us quiet, my parents had a game that if we spotted our initials, in order, on a license plate we’d get a candy bar. I'm still playing that *&^# game into adulthood and ONLY ONCE did I see KLT but that was after I became KLE. UGH!

2. My favorite candy is anything gummi.

3. I'm addicted to post-it notes. They’re everywhere on my office desk. They’re too convenient not to use!!

4. I think I own too much black. Problem is the color’s so versatile that I can’t escape from it. I probably own about 4 black t-shirts and I replace about 2 a year from fading.

5. It bothers me that I sweat more than Jim. Girls are supposed to be fresh and well-scented all the time. I stand still in hot weather and I need to wipe my brow; he can play 3 hours of tennis full-force in the sun and not have a drop of perspiration on him. It’s not fair.

6. I have a current friend (Alissa) whom I’ve known since I was 4. I’ve been friends with Jessica since I was 6, and Lori since I was 8. I still see them all regularly. I think my newest friend is probably Katrin whom I’ve never met in person.

7. It’s taken me two weeks to get 13 items together for a Thursday Thirteen on my goals for the next year. Getting 7 general but diverse items here took about 15 minutes.

Who I'm tagging: Lindsay, Megan, Carol, Tom P, Tom S, Greg, Dave S, & Dale


Katrin said...

Thanks for playing along! This was really fun to read, I also love post-it notes.

Finlands finest said...

I love post-its too. You tagged my fiancee--no fair, I wanted too!! :)

Megs said...

I need to take a picture of Karen's post-it note heaven and place it on here :)

I blogged

Mamma Sarah said...

Post-it's are awesome! Danny brought home a pen from the pharmacy that had post-it tags in there. I really need to figure out how to re-fill it because it's wonderful for my cookbook notes and fav. recipies.

Dale said...

I wanna know how Katrin can:

1. Tag Karen
2. Be her newest friend

And she's never met her! Who's Katrin and who knows her? I love these "6 degrees of separation" stuff.

BTW I got to experience Vienna for one night on a trip with the orchestra... Wish I had more time there!

Viki said...

You can never own too much black, and fortunately, black and white is the 'in' thing this summer. For once I'm really fashionable, and it's not even on purpose. :-)