Thursday, April 26, 2007

Lion King

Last night was girls’ night out for mom, Lindsay, Linds’s mom and sister (Karrie and Holly), and me. We had 4th row, first balcony seats to the Lion King down at the Aronoff. Some notes for those who haven’t seen it before:

- Same plot as the movie and many, if not all, of the movie's songs were included.

- A few new songs (written by Tim Rice) are thrown in to keep it a full musical.

- The voices of the actors remarkably matched those from the movie, especially Mufasa’s.

- The costumes were incredibly creative (see pics). While it was obvious that they were humans in costumes rather than puppets, all the kids around us “got it” and seemed really into the show

- The dance was great, but sometimes too much was happening and you felt like you were missing out on something while you choose to watch something else.

- There was an elephant (full sized) and a baby elephant in the opening scene that were so cute! The little baby elephant danced to the music and made me smile.

- Nicole went nuts for the full three hours. I think it was all the loud music and the thumping from the ever-present drums. She was so active I did feel like I had an alien inside of me and felt really “pregnant”. She had a VERY restful sleep, as did I after so much excitement!


Megs said...

Sounds like it was a great show!! Wish I could have seen it!

Viki said...

Hooray for the elephants. :-) Glad Nicole liked the music so much!

Finlands finest said...

That's great! I sooo want to see The Lion King! I love that Nicole got into the music. Maybe that will be her fav movie. :)

Gtemp said...

Glad you enjoyed the elephants, however, i regret to inform you that as of 10:23am this morning we now more ivory in America

Mamma Sarah said...

Sounds like a great show and glad to hear that Nicole enjoyed herself as well.