Monday, May 01, 2006

Dye Job

For all you haters out there – I tried to color my hair back on Sunday and no one noticed. Why? Because it’s still &%^$ red! I tried to be a towhead again- I picked a color that was called “medium golden blonde”; apparently I really was meant to be a red-head as my hair went from light brown to strawberry blonde in 25 minutes. It just looks like a “springier” version of my previous color. I'll try harder next time and go for a platinum blonde like I was in HS. ; )


Viki said...

The problem with dying your hair a darker color is that you can't get it out without going through harsh processes that fry your hair - my hair's still dark brown/reddish, with a few darker (closer to black) spots. I don't think it looks bad, at least I hope it doesn't, but I'll get it cut soon again and that should help. Anyway, I know how you feel!

Mamma Sarah said...

You'll just have to shave it all off... LOL! Just kidding. It'll grow out soon... dont' fret.

LisaMarie said...

LOL! Sarah's comment made me spit cracker crumbs on the keyboard!

I thought your hair looked nice the last time I saw it. So I guess I'm not a "hater". But I do like you better as a blonde. =)