Wednesday, May 31, 2006

I'm Going Nutty

Our house has always had a fair number of woodland creatures. We started with a bunny that lived in our back yard and routinely sat out in the open for us to watch. Now, in the front yard, we have squirrels.

Now I think the squirrels are adorable, especially when they play together. There are always 2 together, who I think are sweet on one another, and sometimes, like this morning, there are 3.

My grandfather on my mom’s side used to have a wild squirrel that visited him, Charlie. Grandpa trained the squirrel to trust him and eventually got him to sit between his feet and he’d hand-feed it peanuts. When I told them at lunch last week of our new “pets” he got very excited. Apparently they expected squirrels at their new house in Mason but that concept is apparently a geographic impossibility. So, he gave me the bag of peanuts that he intended on using.

Last night our two friends were out in the yard and I tossed them 2 peanuts and put one on our retaining wall. They weren’t remotely interested. I wasn't encouraged that the nuts were still there this morning when Jim and I went outside to investigate. I’m hoping this is just a failed first attempt and that they’ll come around.

Meanwhile I’ll just look like an idiot standing in my front door in my PJ’s photographing the squirrels.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Weekend of 5/26

Whew! What a weekend! 800miles and 14.5 hours of driving later I feel like Sarah Ford. And I can’t say I like it. Driving in cars sucks and my resolution to fly whenever possible stand more firm today as a result of this weekend.

Jim and I took of a half day on Friday and drove the 3 hours northwest to Ft. Wayne, IN to visit his oldest cousin (on his mother’s side) and her family. This was apparently very big news in the family as literally everyone and their brother knew we were going out there and gossiped about it for weeks ahead of time as we learned over dinner. We weren’t quite sure what the big deal was… We had a great dinner, played fuse ball, chatted the night away and crashed around midnight. We spent the night and woke up to a great breakfast and warm wishes as we set off more westbound to Medaryville, IN for his oldest cousin on his father’s side’s wedding.

A few firsts for me as we entered deeper into IN (and don’t poke fun at me! Jim’s family was very excited at my getting country-fied)- J and I stopped at an old-fashioned root beer stand for lunch (where they bring the food to you on trays dangling from your car window) and I stayed at my first ever Motel. Overall, Denise’s wedding was very friendly and sweet though H-O-T with no air conditioning at either the church or reception site. We stayed until around 11 then headed back to the Motel for a luke-warm bath in the whirlpool (ran out of hot water about half way through filling the tub) and a very restful night of sleeping.
Sunday morning we drove about 4.5 hours (1.5 more than expected) from IN to Columbus, OH to visit Jim’s prego step-sister, Laci. She was ecstatic to see us and introduced us to her boyfriend and his kids/family. Nice time visiting but we were eager to get home and rest.

Went to the gym yesterday (Monday) and it was actually refreshing to be back. I think that much of that was being back home and into routine rather than my body being happy to be stretched and worked. I’ve been drowning in email all day today, so much that I started this post at 8:42 and am just putting it up now!!!

Friday, May 26, 2006

Living Life by a Calendar

I come from a lifetime of planners. When I was little my parents let us try out any activity we wanted which meant that the entire week was jam-packed with soccer games, baseball practice, swim meets, and girl scouts. Even when I got older and could drive myself I scheduled in activities like baby-sitting, refereeing and HS clubs that required me to be places at set times. When I arrived at UD I became friends with a lot of folks in the marching band who had their time plotted around practices and football games and then SAI- activities that I, and consequently my free time, got swallowed up in too. Upon graduation I went into sales- a career centered around appointments and multi-tasking that requires high-levels of organization to make the best use of my 40 hours a week. Today my friends recognize that to spend time with me we need to schedule it, sometimes weeks in advance, because my married life is as full as my single life and I’m just not available for impromptu events.

I’m a planning freak.

I had dinner with Tom and Brian last night and we discussed this “illness” (ok, maybe that’s an over-exaggeration of their feelings) that I have with scheduling my time. I thought about it then and since and see that I’m not the only one- my friends are planning freaks for the most part too. Viki, even back in college, lives by her pocket calendar (palm pilot now?). Karen keeps her daily planner with her at all times in her purse. My parents still have a calendar up that they keep track of their bridge nights and family get-togethers. My clients, and now husband, are reliant on the fact that I send them email notifications of our meetings and conference calls.

I will admit though that I’m to the point in my planning obsession that if we do have a free night I feel like I’m wasting time – if I don’t have an event scheduled I wish I did so I could be out with friends. I’m very grateful for those who live spontaneous lifestyles that are often available last minute in these situations, ala Dale, because it means we can see them more often than we would otherwise when these free nights come up.

Tom challenged me to live 1 week spontaneously. I honestly don’t think I can do it. To begin with, I’d have to SCHEDULE a week to do it and then PLAN to not do things that week by turning things and people down when they ask in advance. Further, I fear that I’d be rude declining invitations – wouldn’t that sound like I was waiting for a better offer if I was non-committal? That’s how I’d take it I think… Maybe I’m being rude right now because people feel like they have to reserve my time and I’m not always assessable like Tom seems to be.

Overall though, I can’t imagine a complete lifestyle change… even for 1 week…

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Book Report, Chapter 3

I often went fishing up in Maine during the summer. Personally I am very fond of strawberries and cream, but I have found that for some strange reason, fish prefer worms. So when I went fishing, I didn’t think about what I wanted. I thought about what they wanted. I didn’t bait the hook with strawberries and cream. Rather, I dangled a worm or a grasshopper in front of the fish and said: “Wouldn’t you like to have that?”

This passage was taken from opening of Chapter 3 in How To Win Friends and Influence People and I think it is not only a good introduction but a good summary of the message the chapter tells: If you want someone to do something, entice them with what they want, not what you want. Even when you’re “unselfish” and donate money to causes you’re still acting in your own best interest – you’d rather have the feeling of doing good than the money.

Another story from page 35: A child is throwing a tantrum refusing to start kindergarten the following morning. The mother is frustrated with reassuring the child that he’ll have fun and eventually puts her foot down and insists that he go. The child continues to scream that he won’t. The father, having just taken Carnegie’s seminar, comes up with an idea. Both parents and the older brother make a list of all the wonderful things the child will experience at school and begin to finger-paint pictures in the kitchen. Sheepishly the child peeks around the corner to see what they’re doing and asks if he can paint too. “No, you can’t yet,” the father tells him, “you must first go to kindergarten and learn how like the rest of us did.” The next morning the father comes down the stairs to see the child dressed with his backpack on waiting at the door. “Why are you up so early?” The father asks. “I don’t want to be late for kindergarten,” the boy responds.

Align your goals to those of your peer and you will accomplish everything you both want.

Final Piece of Good Advice:
"If there is any one secret of success, it lies in the ability to get the other person’s point of view and see things from that person’s angle as well as from your own” – Henry Ford

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Chapter 2 in Action

Jenny emailed me today and below her comments was an email she’d sent someone else earlier today. In that other message she commented to them about something that I’d said a long time ago that was meaningful to her. This was touching, obviously (to the point that I’m writing about it!), but to illustrate my subject line: Jenny’s a Carnegie pro – she publicly praised me to another person which made me feel extra appreciated and important and therefore made me love and appreciate her all the more! Right now I'd totally do anything she'd ask me to.

Book Report, Chapter 2

Chapter 2, “The Big Secret of Dealing With People”, says that the only way to make people do anything is to give them what they want and more than anything people want to feel important. Carnegie sites examples of famous historians and their lengths they went to be put on pedestals: Catherine the Great refused to open letters that were not addressed to “Her Imperial Majesty”; lonely people go to the hospital with multiple types of fictional medical problems; millionaires funded Antarctic expeditions with the understanding that the discovered mountain ranges would be named in their honor. Everyone wants to be important.

So how do you make others feel important? Not with flattery. On the bust of a Mexican General, Lavaro Obregon, were these words that echoed the General’s philosophy: “Don’t be afraid of enemies who attack you. Be afraid of the friends who flatter you” (p 29). Flattery is cheap and insincere praise and only carries selfish motives.

Appreciation, on the other hand, is sincere and is felt most deeply in the heart of the recipient. Connecting Chapter 1’s theme of biting your tounge, Charles Schwab is quoted as saying “In my wide association in life, meeting with many and great people in various parts of the world, I have yet to find the person, however great or exalted his station, who did not do better work and put forth greater effort under a spirit of approval than he would ever do under a spirit of criticism” (p. 25). Telling others of their greatness in an appreciative manner will ignite respect and friendship because it is the only honest way to make someone feel important. Pass on compliments to the chef who prepared your filet exceptionally well, praise the bellhop with your gratefulness for his speedy handling of your bags, tell your child that you’re proud of their good report card. Each has a sincere level of flattery in the core of the statement that makes the other person feel important, but adds the layer of making them feel good that they benefited you in some way too.

One last thing I’d like to mention from Chapter 2: Emerson is quoted on page 31 with a phrase that I reread probably 10 times: “Every man I meet is my superior in some way. In that, I learn of him.” This statement couldn’t be more true and I expect that by keeping this ever in mind appreciating others will be second nature.

Monday, May 22, 2006

He's Here!!

Welcome, Ben!
May 21, 2006
7lbs. 15 oz
Baby Ben
Big Sister, Emily

Proud Parents, Sean & Jessica

Check out all that hair!!

Happy Ladies

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Book Report, Chapter 1

I am reading a book at my husband’s suggestion that more than lives up to his praises. Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends & Influence People sounds, by title alone, like something that a salesperson should be required to read their first week on the job. While I’ve been selling for five years now, this is the first time I have picked it up.

I’m happy to report that several of the items Carnegie suggests I’m already incorporating into my life both professionally and socially. I will admit, however, that I’m not using the techniques to their fullest potential.

With this in mind I’m going to take some time to journal about these principles for the mutual benefit of my readers and I – for me so that I can remember them and consider ways to use them more fully and for my readers here who might not have time to read the book that but could certainly benefit from it in some small way(s).

Chapter 1 is titled "If You Want to Gather Honey, Don’t Kick Over the Beehive". The bottom line concept this chapter stresses is that criticizing, condemning and complaining will not get you what you want. The only agenda, according to Carnegie, that people have is their own. If you speak ill of people, whether to their face or not, you are damaging the most important thing in the world to them- their pride. Being critical of others, even if it is justified, will only breed hurt on their part and will not influence them to do what it is you want done.

Let me quote an illustrative story that Carnegie shares on pages 14-15:
Bob Hoover, a famous test pilot and frequent performer at air shows, was returning to his home in Los Angeles from an air show in San Diego. As described in the magazine Flight Operations, at three hundred feet in the air both engines suddenly stopped. By deft maneuvering he managed to land the plan, but it was badly damaged although nobody was hurt.

Hoover’s first act after the emergency landing was to inspect the airplane’s fuel. Just as he suspected, the WWII propeller plane he had been flying had been fueled with jet fuel rather than gasoline.

Upon returning to the airport, he asked to see the mechanic who had serviced his airplane. The young man was sick with the agony of his mistake. Tears streamed down his face as Hoover approached. He had just caused the loss of a very expensive plane and could have caused the loss of three lives as well.

You can imagine Hoover’s anger. One could anticipate the tounge-lashing that this proud and precise pilot would unleash for that carelessness. But Hoover didn’t scold the mechanic; he didn’t even criticize him. Instead, he put his big arm around the man’s shoulder and said, “To show you I’m sure that you’ll never do this again, I want you to service my F-51 tomorrow.”

The benefit that not criticizing in this or any situation gives in immeasurable compared to the alternative.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Cruisin' the Crib

Here’s the scenario: friend of mine meets a new love prospect and invites said person to their house. The love interest has now visited twice and the host has not shown them around (that is, hasn’t given them a tour of the house).

Forgetting Emily Post, what’s your opinion on showing your house off to new visitors? A must? Too intrusive? Only if it’s clean?

Further, what do you as a guest feel if you’re not shown around the first time you go to someone else’s house? What if you’re never given the tour?

Raining outside and sunny in my office

Yesterday at work was a good day. I got some deals in, was consistently busy, and got to talk to clients I like. :) Today, I'm hoping, will be even better. I have no appointments to steal me away from the office, a desk full of things to do, and the intention of wrapping up the evening with Jim's double header tonight (double bonus of this meaning I don't go to the gym!). Weeks like this one I really like my job.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Workin' Out

Believe it or not I’ve been going to the gym pretty regularly. Not that I’m seeing any physical differences (yet?) but I am actually proud of myself for putting in the effort to go, especially when I go without Jim. Last week I went and met Mandy, a fitness trainer, so that she could take my beginning health stats and show me how to use the equipment. This is one of those times that while we discovered I’m one month her senior I feel like I’m 8 years older. Mandy has this cute little body that makes me frown at my own in the mirror and a blaze attitude that make her seem like there is nothing in the world of any great significance. She isn’t married, works all kinds of crazy hours at the gym with no consistent schedule, and says “like” an awful lot. So far I can’t find one thing I have in common with her. But strangely, she’s addictive.

I met her for the second time last night to learn how to use the weight equipment and ensure I was using proper technique when working out. We talked about random things and at the end she said she wants to meet with me twice more – once for a butt workout and another time for a shoulders/abs session. While the prospect of my ass being too sore to sit doesn’t seem very pleasant, I feel kinda special that now I have a pseudo trainer helping me out. When I got home around 7 to make dinner for Jim I ended up talking about her at various points until we went to bed at 11:30. Like I said, she’s addictive.

J and I also watched Season 1, Episode 1 of The Sopranos which we borrowed from the library. It made us laugh out loud a few times but doesn’t seem to have that grabbing hook that 24 did the first time we watched it. I'm assuming the hook is approaching though.

Monday, May 15, 2006

I'm Famous!!

I’d like to draw special attention to my debut on Dale’s website:

Check me out!! (Thanks, Dale!!)

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Mother's Day Weekend Update

Whew- another busy weekend. Friday at work was exhausting as I scrambled to finish up a week-long project for a conference call for a very major client. All went well but I was mentally worn out by 5:30.

Mom and Dad had J and I over for dinner right after work to celebrate my graduation and Sarah W surprised me by coming over too, bearing a congratulatory cake no less! (Thanks again, Sarah, it was great to hang out with you and have you as an honorary Templin once more!) It was the “whole family” with 8 of us eating together and then competing at a lively game of dominos. The family gave me a really beautiful XU frame for my diploma... now I have to wait for the "receipt" to arrive!

Saturday morning I woke to wonderful smells as my dear husband made us blueberry muffins for breakfast (J cooking anything is a rare treat- these were great and such a pleasant surprise at 10 in the am). We hit the gym for a few hours in the late morning with Greg, then went to Chipotle where Greg had his first ever Chipotle experience (I had no idea there were still Chipotle virgins in this country). We watched Inside Man (B) at the dollar cinema and then 2 For the Money (B-) in 2 parts at night. We went to an MBA graduation party for one of my classmates down in Newport, but Jim was itchy to leave after just an hour and a half so we came home around 11:15.

Today we’re headed to my aunt’s for Mother’s Day. I got my mom a gift certificate to the salon she wants to try out and an electric jewelry cleaning machine which I’m hoping does more than just rattle. I also stopped by and gave our neighbor across the street a M.D. card and potted flower. She was really touched which made me glad I took the time to do it. Now I just have to remember to tell Jim in case she thanks him too!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Recent Mind Numbing Activities

I’m tired. I’ve been doing this *^%^ spreadsheet all day and I’m certifiably worn out. I’ve been staring at the same set of numbers and running the same formulas all morning and I think my brain is getting numb.

Yes, I have been spending most of my free-time watching movies, if you’re beginning to wonder. Last night Jim and I rented the Chronicles of Narnia which was much better than the Chronicles of Riddick that we watched last week (that that the two are related in any way other than the title). Cute movie and I see why the kids would get into it. Great computer graphics. I will admit to looking at the White Witch several times and thinking “that woman needs a make-over”. J and I both liked Potter’s movies better given the choice between child fantasy flicks. I do think I’ll eventually take the Williams up though on borrowing their book(s) and reading it.

Jim’s mom picked up about 15 more movies for us from the truck stops. She called to tell me that she actually bought (as opposed to won like she does the others) The Prince & Me which is a flick I initially watched with Lisa and commented to Mom H about. I’m very excited to watch it again!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Tuesday Evening Happenings

Last night was my first, in my book, official night as a graduate. Any other Tuesday I would have had class last night but of course now I don’t! I went to the salon again for a follow-up from my Thursday appointment and then had dinner with Jim. Rather than go to the gym, which I thought we’d do, we decided to stay in and watch Jarhead. A particularly oddly directed movie, it did make me give extra thought to how happy I am that I’m NOT a marine (or any serviceperson for that matter). They do all kinds of stuff that I have no desire to do – boot camp, get shot at, kill people, hang out in 112 degree Middle Eastern deserts, etc. It also made me MORE grateful to those folks who will step up and do that.

We also got invited to Mom and Dad’s on Friday night to celebrate my graduation. I got a card in the mail from the Sackses (a last name was pluralized like that in the magazine I read last night… seems odd and I don’t remember what the proper grammar is for it… need to look it up) congratulating me on graduation. C wrote a particularly touching line at the end “we’re proud of you” which made me smile because you don’t hear that from your friends very often and I know that they sincerely mean it.

Available dates for our (I say “our” because we’ll be celebrating Jim’s accomplishment of earning a martial arts black belt at the same soirĂ©e) graduation party are quickly disappearing. Jim’s test isn’t until 6/17 (?) and we have Sarah’s baby shower, my bro’s party, Kristi’s baby shower, Alaskan trip, my work trip to AZ, and something else all fighting over available weekends. Perhaps this’ll turn into an August party…

Monday, May 08, 2006

Weekend of 5/5

The weekend was good. Friday night Jim and I went to Jag’s and had a great meal. I ordered the lobster bisque for and J got the $14 crab cakes as an appetizer. Neither was exceptional but both very good and well prepared (especially the presentation- wow! J asked why they bother assembling the fancy plate decorations if you can’t actually eat them. He’s so cute and logical). It dawned on me at that point in the meal that this is one of those rare times that we’re spending way more than I normally would on food and of all things this is when I’m okay not finishing what I order, even at the expense, because I have bigger and better things still coming. I normally feel bad leaving a 20 cent chicken nugget at Wendy’s but I let the waiter take away ¼ of my $9 soup!

Jag’s has some of the best house dressing I’ve ever had so our salads were exceptional. I wanted to just keep eating salad but I didn’t want to fill up and not eat my pending filet mignon, so I let them take that away half finished too. We both ordered the filet, Jim the 10oz and me the 7oz, and it came with garlic mashed potatoes (mmmm!) and strips of veggies. My filet was wonderful and I did eat every last bite of it! My only regret about the restaurant was that we didn’t dine in the garden since it was such a beautiful night.

Saturday we got picked up at 8:20am to head to Toledo. Dad had coupons for a bogo free breakfast at IHOP so we made a pit stop there for a bit to eat. Graduation was in the afternoon and took about 2 hours to get though. I was very critical of the kids who were wearing flip-flops and shorts under their gowns as they looked like idiots crossing the stage in my opinion. Mike looked really good in a shirt and tie and of course many rounds of pictures ensued. We drove home that night and stopped as a family at the Olive Garden in Lima to celebrate. I was so exhausted when I got home at 12:15am that I walked in the door, dropped all my clothes on the floor and went right to bed. J says “aren’t you going to brush your teeth??” Not when I’m that tired…

Yesterday we slept in late, did stuff around the house, had Greg over to go to the gym and mike over to do the P&G entrance test and watched Casanova (blah movie) after dinner. As always, I feel like we crammed in so much in that I’m not overly rested this morning at work. I did get the green light on a client I’ve been pursuing for a few weeks though around 8:45 this morning – hopefully that good karma will last through the day!

Friday, May 05, 2006

Catchin' up

What an insane busy week. I’m exhausted. I’ve been too busy to post, which I apologize about, and even now I’m rushing to get this one in so I can maintain rights to bitch at others who don’t write very often. ; )

Last night, my first night as a graduate, I treated myself to the salon. I got my hair trimmed, my toes pedicured, and my eyebrows waxed. Oh it’s good being a girl. When I got home Jim and I ate some ham and macaroni & cheese and then headed to *gasp* the gym. We hung out for a while (about 45 min) and did our thing, then went to check out Megan’s new digs. Very cute apartment. Fabulous TV which had Jim drooling (especially as ours is STILL not fixed).

Tonight Jim’s treating me to Jag’s (FANCY restaurant) where we’ll use my $100 gift certificate that a networking contact of mine gave me for Christmas. No jeering that we’re celebrating a special occasion with a free meal ticket. The place is so nice we’ll probably still drop about $30. So there.

We’re headed up to Toledo tomorrow for Mike’s graduation from Univ. of Toledo. Should be an all-day adventure! Lots of family bonding time. This will be probably the longest consecutive time I’ve spent in close company with his girlfriend, Lindsay. Terrible as they’ve been serious for over a year… that’s what being married and living out of the family house’ll do to you.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Jenny's Up and Rollin'!

Check out Jenny's new blog! Another victim who'll fall addicted to blogging:

MBA = Done!

It’s been an incredibly busy week for me professionally, scholastically and personally. Skipping to the good stuff, I had my final Sales class on Tuesday night. We had an incredibly dynamic speaker, Jack Carew, come and talk with us which was exhausting for us as an audience – the man is like 70 and has more energy than me!!! After class the whole group headed to the Pub in Rookwood for drinking and celebrating. It was SO much fun. We decided we’re going to have a Club 960 (our class was MKTG 960) and go play golf or meet for drinks periodically. One class member already sent out an invitation for the first event!! I didn’t get home until after midnight, Jim was long asleep, and was still full of energy when I tried to go to bed.

Last night was my final Capstone class. We had to take some national exam whose results aren’t related to our grade but merely to XU’s national ranking. Overall it was a good test, but telling us that it didn’t count didn’t have many people putting too much effort into it, myself included. This one test and the time it took to take was the last thing holding me back from beer and graduation – I was dying to speed through it! I met Mindy and Jeana out for drinks after we were thru and we hung out until about 10:30. Good times had by all! Jim had flowers for me when I got home - so sweet!

It’s strange to realize my MBA is over. Truly, as I have no intention of going back to any formal kind of schooling, it’s weird to think that I’ll never be a traditional student again. I have spent 20 of my 26 years alive in school! What am I going to do with my time? Talk my mom into giving me sewing lessons, watch Lost like the rest of the planet, con Jim into taking more ballroom dancing classes. Hopefully it’ll be a good life from here! Another chapter closed, a new one beginning…

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


When I was about 9 or so my brother Mike and I would play Monopoly using checks as well as the play money. If we’d land on someone’s property we’d take out our pre-cut pieces of paper, fill out the check just like my mom would, and submit payment to the landlord. We’d then hold on to that check and not cash it against the other player until a more strategic time in the game. Looking back at the higher thinking we displayed both in the game playing as well as the understanding of a traditional banking system, I’m pretty impressed with us.

So how is it that yesterday, on my way to my client's office, that I’ve been to before, I drove around in not 1 but 2 circles and called for directions not 1 but 2 times before finally getting there?

Monday, May 01, 2006

Dye Job

For all you haters out there – I tried to color my hair back on Sunday and no one noticed. Why? Because it’s still &%^$ red! I tried to be a towhead again- I picked a color that was called “medium golden blonde”; apparently I really was meant to be a red-head as my hair went from light brown to strawberry blonde in 25 minutes. It just looks like a “springier” version of my previous color. I'll try harder next time and go for a platinum blonde like I was in HS. ; )

Weekend of 4/28

My legs are a bit sore – worked out for the first time in my new gym yesterday afternoon. Did some treadmill walking for about 20 min, biking for 25 min, stretching and light weights. I think what did me in was the 20 minutes of racquetball I played with Jim and Greg afterwards… I did win the first game of cutthroat though.

The weekend overall was nice and felt pretty long. On Friday Jim and I went to Dave and Busters for Anne’s birthday party. Sean made Anne an hour late for her own party which cut drastically into the time we could spend celebrating - Jim and I had to leave by 11 because we were leaving early for Spencerville on Saturday morning for the Eutsler Easter.

Spencerville was nice though COLD, especially for April. There was an egg hunt for the kids and lots of food to keep us all stuffed. Jim’s cousin Rachel and I got to have some girl-time which is always fun. We visited quite a few of Jim’s friends while in town and got home to Cincinnati around 1am.

I planted almost all of our plants in the flowerbed and it looks pretty good. I still have quite a bit of weeding to do on the side-yard but that’ll get pushed to next weekend. We headed over to Mom and Dad’s after dinner to watch March of the Penguins and play Dominos with them and the grandparents – hooray for multi-generational bonding time. : )

I’ve been out of the office most of the day today and I’m feeling really worn out. *yawn* I have to do a take-home exam tonight and I wanted to visit Megan’s new apartment (right across the street!!) too. It’ll be a long busy night – no time for being tired so early!