Thursday, January 26, 2006

Mid-Week Happenings

Class last night was pretty fun. We spent 2 hours doing our business simulator and ended year 3 with the hostile take-over of another company which made our shareholders 297%. SUCCESS! I’m so happy with my group!

Tonight I’m headed out with the girls to celebrate Martha’s move to Oregon. I think there’ll be about 4-6 of us attending (Sue, Me, Mart, Brandy Ott and Jen J) which should be interesting as we don’t get together all that often. I feel bad as Martha’s leaving and I haven’t too much time with her over the last few years even though she still lives in Cincinnati. That’s the funny thing about friends – I can only assume she has a bucket of them that I don’t even know about that have kept her busy – therefore I shouldn’t feel bad! Ah well.

I also am working on finding some free time to verbally kick the TV repair guy’s ass today. He hasn’t brought our TV components back yet and this Saturday makes 5 weeks!!! Jim put it best: “I tried to shield the guy from you but he’s leaving me no choice…” He hasn’t even guaranteed that we’ll have the TV back for the Super Bowl! UGH. How do people like this stay in business!?


LisaMarie said...

I love that Jim is protecting the TV man from you. It's like he's now saying, "Release the hounds!" Kendall's like that, he tries to fix the problem...and then he sicks me on them.

Mamma Sarah said...

Question: How is one suppose to watch the Super Bowl (aka commercial fest 2006) at a Super Bowl party if there is no TV? :-D Just a thought.

RandomBitsofDigitalFlotsam said...

Yes, I agree here. There is a reason that one of my favorite quotes is

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned :).