Jim asked me the other night why marijuana is illegal.
My answer was “because it’s a mind-altering drug.”
His reply was, “how is that different than alcohol?”
I guess perhaps the logic here is that it’s a gateway drug. But then again, isn’t alcohol for many people?
I don’t know if I actually have a problem with marijuana being legal if there was a designated “appropriate” age (ie 21) for us all to ignore. I suspect the regulations around legalized marijuana would be similar to alcohol – no smoking on the job, no smoking and driving, scornful looks to those who smoke up before noon, etc.
Perhaps this could help Obama’s national healthcare plight- the government could fund our insurance by taxing the hell out of pot. ; )
Being more serious… Let’s face reality, if most of us wanted to get it illegally now we could with some amount of effort- everyone knows someone who knows someone. For those who want to try it I'm not sure the legal status of the plant is keeping them at bay.
I am admittedly critical about adults who smoke pot – in my mind it’s very much a high school / college thing to do. I went to a party a few years ago (host was ~35yo) where a guy I was talking to invited me outside. I didn’t realize “outside” was code for smoking up and was quite surprised to see the paraphernalia being pulled out once we sat down on the retaining wall. I think Jim was even more surprised to see his girlfriend sitting on the wall with some other guy, joint in hand (his, not mine, for the record). We left and had the "would you now?" talk.
If it was legal and people my parents’ age were just rolling joints on the living room table that’d be a big mental hurdle for me to jump.
After this little diddy I’ll admit that I'm “old school” in thinking that if I had to vote right this second I’d still keep it illegal based on the interpretation that it has to be illegal now for some good reason based on arguments and logic of people who’ve thought longer and harder on the issue than me. Before I could make an educated vote on this I’d need to do more research but I wouldn’t be close-minded to the possibility.
Friday, August 01, 2008
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I agree--I see it in the sense of people do it in high school/college. I think that if it has to be a part of your life everyday you have an addiction. I also think it can be a big money waster-of course if you NEED to have it, you do not see it as wasting money.
I have no problem with it being legalized. I see it as no worse than alcohol. I'd probably vote to legalize it so we can benefit from taxing it.
I appreciated Denver's ads for legalizing it a few years ago. They pointed out that no one has ever abused their wives, while they were high on pot. Alcohol? yes, it's quite common, actually. That makes a valid point.
Portland, of course, is contemplating legalizing it. I'm sure that's not surprising.
1. Based on her comment, Martha is obviously a pot smoking hippie. (Sorry Martha, couldn't help myself...HAHAHA)
2. Coming from someone who has NEVER even tried an illegal drug, I'm adamantly against all of them. Mostly because I watched both my brother and my ex-boyfriend start with pot and move onto bigger drugs that ultimately almost ruined their lives. So I whole heartedly believe in the "gateway" statement for way too many people who try pot.
3. I believe the same thing to be true of alcohol though. It's dangerous and also has the potential to become highly addictive. It's amazing that we didn't all become alcoholics after college.
4. I think before it could ever go to a vote, there would have to be extensive studies done to show the long term effects of pot. I would think they would have to be the same as cigarettes. With alcohol we know that it can kill you long term if abused. The same thing is true of cigarettes. In addition to that, Karen makes a very valid point that it would most likely be abused by "underage" people. And if we legalized it, it would be that much easier for them to get their hands on.
4. I laughed out loud for a good minute at the image of Steve and Linda T rolling joints on their living room table. I can totally see your dad smiling and laughing and getting into it. I can see your mom focused on getting it rolled "just right". LOL! Even writing this is making me laugh out loud. I'll bet this image is stuck in my head all day!!!
I don't know if it's just my age where I live or what, but it is more rampant here than any place I've lived. Before it may have been, I knew someone who knew someone (who knew someone). Now it's just, I know several someones. (To be fair, I went to culinary school - one of those places where it's more rampant, as well. In the 90's my school was rated by "High Times" as the #1 party school in the country - how can it not? the region and then a bunch of cheffy folks? Makes sense! Smoke up and eat well!!)
I don't think, if legal, more "underaged" kids would get ahold of it. I think it's already available easily enough to them, too.
I just want to note that there must be something about pot today. Your post. Lisa's post. And today one of my coworkers was talking about it (no, I did not bring it up!!). The stars and planets must be aligned just so (Therefore, I'd recommend anyone out there who DOES smoke pot to do so this weekend). ;p No, Lisa, that does not include me!!
i'm ALL for legalizing it, and even more for making it available for medicinal purposes.
Steve and Linda rolling joints...LOL! I can't stop thinking about it! LOL!!!!
I used to be all for keeping it illegal but I've heard so many good arguments from the other side that I've kind of changed my mind. Whether or not its legal, people are gonna manage to find some weed and they will smoke that stuff... And I also think it's no different from alcohol. Besides, no one has ever OD-ed on weed but if you take too many shots, they could be your last.
Hmmm... I don't think that it shouldn't be legalized, but I am not fully educated on the matter to consider the effects it would have, should it be legalized. I have family in Holland (it is legal there), and none of them are pot heads. But again, I don't know many alcoholics.
I remember being in the US when I was seventeen. This was right after my first summer away from home, where I was pretty much just partying and drinking (legal drinking age here is 16). When I got to a party in America, with other teenagers, there was one six pack of beer and about 6 or 7 blunts to share between about 15 people. This made me conclude that it is easier for an American teenager to get a hold of pot than to get a hold of alcohol.
I know my mom used to smoke it and I know my dad still does it once in a while. It doesn't concern me in the least, as they are both adults and know when to stop. None of them is addicted or act irresponsibly. I have tried it (not with my parents!! LOL) once, but didn't like it. But I don't even smoke cigarettes, so I pretty much coughed up a thunderstorm and that was it.
How's that for a long comment? :)
P.S.: Martha is right, the discourse is all over joints right now. Also, Celebrity Rehab started here yesterday, too! :)
I'm late chiming into this one...i don't think i am opposed to having it legalized. I don't really have that strong of an opinion though and legal issues would not affect my decision whether or not to use it. I do think society would be better off if police spent energy worrying about other crimes, drug related and otherwise, than weed.
i'm not impressed or influenced by arguments of medicinal use, because there are medications already on the market that are better at alleviating the problems people resort to pot for. so why use a less effective "drug" unles one is just looking for excuses to get the side effect of getting high too?
Interestingly i had a related discussion recently...why is it that if you refuse to drink alcohol at a party you get badgered/pressured a bit by the rest of the crowd, but if you refuse to smoke pot, people just pass the joint to the next person...?
Which leads to this question...there is responsible use of alcohol... you don't have to get drunk and that's not really the purpose of drinking (unless you're underage or in college). Do people recreationally smoke pot for reasons other than getting high? (or do you think they would if it were legal?) I think that's the difference between pot and alcohol.
uh, Kathy, weed is an "herbal" medicine. Therefore it's natural. And not filling your body with artificial chemicals of commercial drugs. :) Plus, you can grow it yourself, so you're not feeling like a pharmecutical company is hosing you. It's natural. And homeopathic. Great for hippies.
I think there are varying stages of gettign high (as there are also varying stages of getting drunk). I know some people who have difficulty falling asleep, and just a little pot will help them - they're not completely high, but still are a little (the difference between being sl tipsy and drunk and wasted??)
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