Tuesday, August 05, 2008


The Dave Matthews Band is coming to Cincinnati today which is unfortunate as it’s pouring down rain and over half the seating is on the lawn.

Dave was actually the very first concert I ever attended. Susannah knew they were coming and bought a group of us tickets to go. When she called me up to say she’d gotten them my first thought was “who’s Dave Matthews?” So as not to be the loser who doesn’t even know who the frickin’ band whose concert I'm attending, I promptly went out and bought Under the Table and Dreaming and listened to songs on repeat on my brother's CD player so that I could sing along like everyone else. I remember sitting and studying that little lyric book from the case for hours. I don’t remember much about the actual concert at all.

But I still like the band.

In celebration of their concert tonight, 94.1 has turned into “Dave Radio”- they’ve only been playing DMB and will through the concert tonight, which makes 48 straight hours of only DMB. So I’ve tuned in. Eleven years after I attended that concert I know a surprising amount of the songs that they’re playing. Granted I heard “Satellite” both on the way and the way back from seeing Nicole yesterday at lunch so they aren’t playing too many “off” tracks, but overall the past day has confirmed that I still, really like the Dave Matthews Band. Enough to pay $80/ticket…. Maybe not. But they are one of only 5 artists noted on my Pandora to track.


Finlands finest said...

I didn't know you guys went to see Dave Matthews Band in HS. Where was I?!?!

LisaMarie said...

I have never been a Dave Matthews fan. I don't know why. Kendall isn't either.

I think it's SO funny that you went out and memorized the songs so you wouldn't look like a dork with your friends. :)

Katharine said...

hahaha...Jen you must have been somewhere with me, because I didn't know either.
My friend will be there tonight and is looking forward to the concert and the rain.
My sophomore roommate was obsessed. i think she's still in the area, so i'm sure she'll be there too. i never really got it...

linds said...

I LOVE DMB!!! I have been to at least 10 of their concerts and would still be going if it wasn't for Mike making fun of them :-(

Martha said...

Damn, Kathy, Jen and I must have had our own fabulous shin dig. WTF?

DMB is one of Alvin's favorites (possibly THE favorite).

Martha said...

Hmm. I'm noticing several comments of mine that must be lost in space. Boo!

Jen, Kathy, and I were having our OWN exclusive super secret shin dig the night of your DMB concert in HS. Super-exclusive. You weren't invited. Sorry. But it was TONS of fun. Right girls??

Alvin likes DMB. I think it may be his favorite.