Sunday, August 31, 2008

Toronto, Day 1

I’m here. In canada! It took us about 10 total hours including stops but as the kid was good and the ride was in a minivan where we could spread out it wasn’t so bad.

So far what’s weird is that Nicole went to bed at 10 (hour and a half late) and got up at 6:20 (40 min early) so I didn’t get to sleep in….. however, she’s now napping so we’re all here hanging out in the hotel room. We’re off to the zoo this afternoon and will be going to Los Lomos, the CN tower, a Blue Jays game, and the hockey hall of fame all by Wednesday.

More fun on the horizon and I’ll write if I get time.


Anonymous said...

it is a little expensive but we love to eat at The Keg.


Finlands finest said...

Have fun!!