How your baby's growing: Your baby now weighs about three-quarters of a pound and is approximately 10 1/2 inches long. His eyebrows and eyelids are fully developed. And you can certainly feel him move. He's oblivious to your schedule, though, so don't be surprised if he starts working out just when you're settling down for the night. If you're having a girl, her vagina is formed now, though it will continue to develop until birth.
My Take: Well, I can feel Nicole moving if I'm being still but it’s definitely “ignorable” if I'm preoccupied with something else. What did make me happy was that during the ultrasound she was VERY active even though I couldn’t feel a thing. It was quite reassuring to know that she’s busy even when I don’t know it.
Other personal progress notes: I’ve gained 9lbs. total (I should be 10-15 according to my books) and they moved my due date up to the Fourth of July.
Nicole’s middle name is currently being debated so any suggestions are welcome! We had initially picked Jeanine which is a combo of my grandmother Jean’s name and Jim’s grandmother’s middle name, Genine. Now Jim’s not so enthused and is leaning towards Elizabeth.
Willie, mio gatto bello
9 years ago
i don't mind sharing my birthday on the 3rd if she would want to come a day earlier :-)
I like either name, but I really like Elizabeth. :-D Fireworks baby, how fun would that be. She'd have a huge party every year, not to mention make the annual party even bigger!
I think "Martha" is a fabulous middle name. ;)
where are you going??
I vote Jeannie, because I like uniquer names. And I think every girl who's middle name isn't Anne or Marie is Elizabeth.
I like the middle name Marie, I wonder why.....
Lisa would be a good one too....
I would even use Elizabeth as a first name though, so I think it's fine as a middle name too. Then her initials would be NEE. And we could make Monty Python references all the time....hehehehe...
As much as I hate my first name, I love my middle name, so I vote for Elizabeth! Though Dale has a point with it being a fairly common middle name, I've never heard the combination of Nicole Elizabeth.
I also find it humerous that of the three most common girls' middle names Dale mentioned, I have two....Elizabeth and Anne!
Sorry, I've been told my taste in names is poor, so I won't give suggestions.
I vote for the less common name regardless, so I would vote against Elizabeth. Or if you are set on Elizabeth, find an alternate spelling, perhaps the root name it came from or a foreign derivative. Like Isabel or something.
I vote for Fred.
i vote for elizabeth. jeanine just doesn't do it for me.
I'm sorry my husband is such a smart ass - actually, I'm not because I think it's funny. :-)
I like Jeanine - I was actually going to suggest Julia, but I like Jeanine better. It is more unique, plus, it's got family ties so 20 years from now she'll be able to say that her middle name was taken from her grandma & great grandma (Tony's name was taken from two great grandfathers and we all think that's cool).
Also, if you were going to shorten her first and middle names, you'd have Nicky Jean, which sounds much better than Nicky Liz.
My all time fav names are lily and anastasia, so of course I'll suggest those!! I also like Dales suggestion of Jeannie.
I like Elizabeth and Christine
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