Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Weekend of 2/2/07

This weekend, like all of February will be, was a whirlwind. Some highlights:

  1. We went to my parents for dinner, cake, and presents for Mike’s birthday on Friday. You can tell Mike just bought a new house- between Christmas and his birthday he’s gone from like 1 screwdriver set to owning dozens of tools, including power tools and a shop vac! M, L and G left to be social not long after presents so mom, dad, jim and I hung out and played cards where I did TERRIBLY.
  2. Saturday we took our *&%@! taxes to a CPA to do because we owe $7000+ to the federal government PLUS penalties. This seemed crazy to us and we (Jim) determined we needed to pay to confirm that we really owe that much. Unfortunately, we do. UGH. The source of the problem is that my OLD payroll company never changed me to married status so when we switched and I did, I had too many deductions/exemptions/whatever and I paid that way too little throughout the year.
  3. We picked out all the stuff (carpet, hardwood, brick, cabinets, etc.) for the house in “record time” according to our builder rep! Jim and I have very similar taste and had nothing we didn’t agree on!
  4. Saturday night we went to Jamie, Jason and Ryan’s for dinner. Ryan, who turns 2 this week, has grown up so much. I still think of him as a baby and he most certainly is not any more. When everyone sat down to dinner and I was using the bathroom, he actually asked where I was by name!! awwwww! Kids always learn Jim’s name (typically pronounced "Jeeeem") first- I was very excited!
  5. Sunday was cleaning day and super bowl day. We had 18 of JIM’s friends over (sans Karen) but that’s the tradition and they're my friends too, right? right? We had a good time and ate nearly all the food. I need my dad to come back next year so we have more appetizers!
  6. Because of our company, our fridge has 5X more beer in it than normal (normal = 2-3). Jim drank one last night with dinner, something he has no real desire to do other than to clear out fridge space, and didn’t want to finish it. Jim thought I was kidding when I told him what I was going to do with his last 3 inches of brew; I decided to take Rachel up on our SB conversation and wash my hair with the remainder this morning. She (Rachel) had enthusiastically told me she used to do this and it made her hair soft and shiny. I think my hair is about as soft as it is with conditioner and it’s not any shinier, however, it was a breeze to straighten and that made it worth the effort.
  7. Kid hasn’t moved much/at all since Sunday and the car seat catching incident. This of course is probably a fluke but now my mind’s going in directions that make me worry… It’s most likely not that something is wrong but more that I’ve been too busy with my own life to notice the little fluttering that’s happening. Still, I have my classical back on today and am hoping for some activity.


Finlands finest said...

I'm sure baby is fine!!! She is just taking a break from dancing...resting up for her next recital. :) I'm convinced it is a girl, can you tell??

Sounds like a great weekend overall!!

Sarah said...

No wonder you didn't get my message, you were too buy being a social butterfly!

I agree with Jenny, the grape is probably just worn out and taking a little break!

Jessica said...

Does you hair stink (like beer I mean)?

Megs said...

You washed your hair with BEEEER??? Is there anything you can't do with beer? You can drink it, play with it (flip cup/beer pong), cook with it and now WASH with it! Amazing! I have like 60 beers at my house right now if you need anymore! haha

Karen said...

nope- i put the beer in after i used my shampoo and let it sit while i soaped my body. It rinsed right out and no smell!

Martha said...

I used beer on my hair in college (there was plenty around....). I've also used egg.

How's the grape doing today?

Mamma Sarah said...

Glad to hear things are still as busy as ever and the grape is enjoying the ride. :-P

Beer is really good for the hair! My great grandma use to use Mayo (the real stuff) in her hair... blech! I have heard of eggs and olive oil too. :-)

I'm sure the grape is fine. Drink some OJ and take a load off to see if you can feel anything. :-)