Thursday, February 19, 2009

Decking Decisions

As previously mentioned, Jim and I are in the throws of deck planning. Some of the things we started with and have since eliminated

1) hot tub – jim doesn’t want to walk through the cold to get to it in the winter
2) multiple levels – somewhat of a pain due to the slope of our yard and while I’d REALLY REALLY like to incorporate aesthetically, I'm not sure if it’s practical or necessary
3) reading nook – the deck materials are expensive and space can be used in more practical ways

Here was the first design I did:

What I like about it is that it’s not just a square, there’s some dimension to it. The intention would be that sitting furniture and a fire table would be put in the octagon and a dining area with grill would be in the large rectangle. This design makes maximum use of the land because that are near the office on the far right is only about 15 feet from our property line and not much would be done with the space if a deck wasn’t there. Finally, I like that from our family room, which has lots of windows to look out of, I’d be gazing upon a pretty sitting area with couches and cushions.

Then I got to thinking…. If I'm eating dinner and forgot to get the ketchup, do I really want to walk all the way across the deck, through the only door, into the kitchen then all the way back out for that? Doesn’t it make more sense to have our main activity on the deck, eating, be closer and more convenient to the entry? So, I rearranged things so the seating area and dining area were reversed:

This will save greatly on materials because it’s smaller but now I have “dead” space by the office and I'm not sure it’s going to be that pretty to look at (we'd fill it in with a garden maybe?).



RandomBitsofDigitalFlotsam said...

The lack of hot tub is disturbing.

Honestly, a hot tub in cold weather is absolutely the BOMB, almost nothing better. And you get fuzzy slippers and warm bathrobes to hold back the cold for the 10 feet you have to walk.

A nice little garden would be great in the "dead" space. I'd be happy to help you there. Filling it with certain types of flowers could mean you get all sorts of songbirds, butterflies, and hummingbirds. Wonderful things for the kids to watch out the windows, and you really can't beat the colors that Mother Nature provides. said...

That will look weird having an open space there behind the office. I like your first idea much more.

Do you really have a slope in your backyard?? You can do a multi-level deck, just make it drop down one step. It gives the illusion of a multi-level one even though the heighths are very close.

Finlands finest said...

I don't know if you need the hot tub because you have the big whirlpool tub, that could be enough unless you were planning on entertaining guests in the hot tub.

I agree with Greg that you should go with the first idea. You could always change things around when you want to, move the table and seating area as needed. It is really quite versitile. Also I like the idea of having a one foot elevation change. Greg is a smart man! You should listen to him and then put him to work helping you build it ;)

Adding a garden is always a good idea if you should decide to choose option 2.

LisaMarie said...

I definitely found the first desgin more appealing aesthetically. However, I see your logic on the seating/eating scenario. I think the second design leaves that awkward space off the office and landscaping will be difficult and possibly expensive to get the look you really want there. I'd rather invest more money in the deck.

And I like the idea of seeing the pretty yard furniture from the morning room. I was immediately able to picture how that deck would look. The second one is harder to envision.

I even went back and looked a second time at both designs. You have to admit the first one is more shapely with the house.

LisaMarie said...

P.S. Just remember to bring out the ketchup and you'd be just fine. :)

Martha said...

I think a garden is a fantastic idea, no matter which deck you choose!!! What kind of sunlight do you get back there? Tomatoes, summer and winter squash, herbs, and berries would be delicious!!

Viki said...

I like the first design better, too. Solution on the ketchup issue? Mini-fridge!

Mamma Sarah said...

I vote first one and agree with Viki... what an opportunity for an outdoor kitchen...