Did you notice? Apparently nagging, guilt trips, and trying to look pitifully sad works! I’ve successfully gotten not 1 but 2 more people on the blogging bandwagon this week!! Please see the links for life updates from Martha (HS friend) and Jessica (Grade School friend)!!! Yeah!!!
If only these efforts would work when I try to convince people to move to Cincinnati. Perhaps I need to get more nagging, guilty and pitiful...
I would just like to say that after my Tall Stacks experience I'll never move to Cincy. Sorry...you'll really have to do better than nagging and begging. You'd have to BUY me a house to get me there. At it has to be nice.......
You are too cute, Karen.
You may have gotten me to blog. But not moving back yet! (I will, however, be home around Christmas)
If you can get Viki and I jobs involving music, we'll consider Cincy. After all, you have a Hoffbrauhaus.
I feel the need to point out that while starting a blog may be a life changing event for some, it is significantly LESS life changing than moving! Just wanted to throw that out there!
Yeah, Cincy has a Donauschwaben, so you have that going for you. I agree with Trey - just find us both jobs in the music business and some gigs, too.
I'm trying... that's all I'm going to say!
Thank you, Sarah!! I appreciate your comment. :-)
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