I think I'm beginning to portray myself as having no life. Really, you should read these movie reviews and think “man, it must be nice to have free time” and be happy that I can detox with of a flick.
I watched 2 movies recently- one Monday night and one last night while Jim was at softball.
The Family Stone is one that Jim’s mom gave us and is a holiday movie

about a woman (SJP) meeting the potential in-law family for Christmas. While the acting was fine, the first hour and a half of the movie wasn’t all that interesting and was
very predictable. The last half hour picked up a lot and all the things that you guessed would happen came to life and did make you laugh out loud at times. There is no question why the whole trailer for the movie seems to come from the last 30 minutes. RATING: C
Last night I watched
In Her Shoes because I didn’t think Jim would be

interested. Total girl movie. Two sisters, wildly opposite, get into a big fight and one (Cameron Diaz) moves to FL with her maternal grandmother. The first sister (Toni Collette) says in PA pining after the friendship they once had and meanwhile meeting a great guy and getting in a relationship which makes her pine for her sister all the more. They eventually get back together and make up. RATING: B
Some other notes- I had lunch with Andy Martini yesterday to celebrate/mourn the fact that he got a new job and is moving his family to Memphis.
Congrats again on the job, Andy, and a big “you suck” for leaving Cincinnati. ; )
I also had a fantastic conversation with Sarah F that made me feel much better about life in general. THANKS Sarah.