Monday, December 15, 2008

Weekend of 12/12/08

We’re back to a hectic schedule but it’s going okay, keeps things interesting.

Monday night: closed on the lot behind us and watched intently for Max’s picture to arrive
Tuesday night: Jim’s Christmas party in BFE
Wednesday night: off!
Thursday night: visit with Max, Lisa & Kendall! :)
Friday night: out with friends to dinner and arcade
Saturday: taught, annual Christmas party (my contribution was a 21-potato mashed potato bowl – geesh is that a lot of peeling!)
Sunday: errands, cleaning, bowling

Highlight of the weekend (this shows how lame I am. Also, forewarning that this might be TMI): Nicole pooped in the potty! It was on Sunday morning and she started making “that” face. I asked her if she was going “poo poo” (which I do every time I notice she is as I want her to be aware of it) and she responded “I poo poo”. I then asked if she wanted to go to the potty and she shook her head yes. So, off we went. I hadn’t pulled out the kid potty yet so she had to get held on the big one which she wasn’t totally sure about. However, she did squeeze one out and I took her off to show her the fruits of her labor. She got excited and wanted to touch it (ewww!) which I obviously didn’t let her do. Problem was, I was excited and quit paying attention and looked down to see she had peed a nice puddle on the hardwood floor. Oh well. It’s a start! She’s only 17 months old (as of Thursday) so I suspect this is the first step in a several month journey. Hooray – perhaps I'm not so crazy in expecting to have two in diapers for a short stint!

Happy 32nd Birthday, Jim! :) I love you!


Finlands finest said...

Happy Birthday JIM!!!

The bathroom scene would have made my weekend too!

Martha said...

Happy Birthday, JIM!

Yea. What entertains parents....
honestly, the part that would have entertained ME would have been the peeing on the floor part...

On a related note, I was pretty darn amused when I was giving my nephew a bath (yeeeears ago, which is scary that I can say that - he was probably a year and a half old and is 8 now) and he pooped in the tub. That cracked me up (still does!). And I didn't have to clean it; his dad did. ;)

Laura said...

Way to go Nicole!

Mamma Sarah said...

Hooray for Nik! So jealous... but girls do this sooner than boys... ah, so jealous. :-) Hopefully she will stay super interested and get out of the diapers! :-D

Viki said...

Yes, happy birthday Jim!

Too funny with the poop thing. Babies pooping in the tub is funny, too. I think my mom used to tell a story about Tony pooping in the tub and then screaming about how it was going to eat him.

Anonymous said...

Wow all I can say is that you are a great writer! Where can I contact you if I want to hire you?