Cincinnati native trying to juggle two kids, a successful marriage, a full time project management job and a part time teaching gig. Fortunately I love every component of my crazy life!
Every time I see a house with the black light-looking lights (psychedelic?) I think to myself, “those people must sell pot”. I envision the decorations as kind of a “red light” of sorts.
if they're all psychadelic, I'd think it'd be something a little *more interesting* than pot. Aren't mushrooms and lsd a tad more hallucinogenic? Maybe they have those for sale. :) I think it's hilarious.
I still wonder what shoes wrappever over the wires overhead mean...I think it's drugs.
Greg and I walked by a guy in a trench coat smelling of insense and I couldn't help but say to Greg (after I told him your blog) "I bet he smokes pot". We laughed. :=)
Yes you are over reacting. You know me and Carole, and we have very dark "blue" ligthts in our porch fixtures that make the snow look like the moon is shining down on it. I guess it also looks like we are "dealing" too. Hee Hee.....Just to let you know, when Carolers come around our home, we pass out hot chocolate with marshmallows, and "Special" brownies....Hee......
if they're all psychadelic, I'd think it'd be something a little *more interesting* than pot. Aren't mushrooms and lsd a tad more hallucinogenic? Maybe they have those for sale.
I think it's hilarious.
I still wonder what shoes wrappever over the wires overhead mean...I think it's drugs.
I wouldn't necessarily assume that they sold pot...but I would assume that they smoked it.
Greg and I walked by a guy in a trench coat smelling of insense and I couldn't help but say to Greg (after I told him your blog) "I bet he smokes pot". We laughed. :=)
Yes you are over reacting. You know me and Carole, and we have very dark "blue" ligthts in our porch fixtures that make the snow look like the moon is shining down on it. I guess it also looks like we are "dealing" too. Hee Hee.....Just to let you know, when Carolers come around our home, we pass out hot chocolate with marshmallows, and "Special" brownies....Hee......
I wish that was an indicator of who sold pot. Special brownies sound good right now. Hee hee...
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