Thursday, June 26, 2008

Moving back up-hill

Special call-out to Tom for his “Life on Mars” blog series – made me think and brought some cool facts to the surface that I didn’t know.


I feel like things have been picking up for me lately.

  • Nicole took some steps before my trip
  • I'm getting a mostly-funded trip to the Caribbean and am leaving in less than 3 days
  • Work is stable and not too stressful
  • I got to talk to Lisa 2X during her trip
  • I got to see Martha AND Kathy AND Angie who I NEVER see on Saturday
  • We’re making some small steps on the house – the garage might wrap up this week, I painted most of the living room, I'm about 80% done with my picture project, I have the paint AND art bought for the spare room and already know what I'm making curtain-wise
  • We’re setting in at church and I got a call to be a grade-school mentor yesterday (which I'm not sure if I’ll do)
  • We’re selling the Sentra this week!



Finlands finest said...

Everything seems very positive. I am jealous about your cruise. I need a vacation. :)

Mamma Sarah said...

Sounds like you're ready for your vacation! :-)

Martha said...

good for you - everything seems to be going well for the moment. :) Have a blast on your vacation. I'm going to New Orleans this weekend (for work). Racking up those sky miles!!

Laura said...

Can't wait to hear about your vacation. Have fun!

Viki said...

Glad the house is progressing, and that everything else is going so well. :-)