Monday, April 10, 2006

Weekend of 4/1/06

The weekend was pretty status quo. We got to see the Erdahl’s for the first time in forever on Friday night. Jim’s parents came in and spent Saturday afternoon with us (a rare treat!) and we went to my parents for a game night that evening. We did start watching Escape from LA with Kurt Russell which has got to be one of the worst movies ever (what a shock, Kurt Russell wrote the script himself and it stars him) – specifically because he’s such a TERRIBLE actor in the flick.

Sunday mom and I went to go see Peter Pan which was cute but not the best show we’ve seen this season. We won ¾ bowling games in the last week of our league and I bowled a 148 the second game (average is 112) which made my team (specifically my husband) happy.

I’m hoping this work week is more exciting than last. I’ve got more appointments so I’ll be out of the office quite a bit. I have to give a presentation in my class Wednesday on AMD which is only blah because I’m not very strong on their industry (microprocessors).

Seems like most of the girls want to UD Reunion party on Saturday night, which I’m all game for. That’s in June so I have a ways to wait yet…


RandomBitsofDigitalFlotsam said...

heh, too bad I'm on vacation. I'm pretty sure I could tell you everything you want to know about AMD :)

RandomBitsofDigitalFlotsam said...
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LisaMarie said...

I would just like to note that I'm very disappointed that my bowling speed was not mentioned in your blog. =P

Viki said...

I suck at bowling so I'm jealous...