Friday, April 07, 2006

Dentist Guilt

I had to go to the dentist this morning for my 6-month check-up. No cavities! : ) I know it sounds dumb but I always feel a twinge of guilt eating right after I just had my teeth cleaned, even if it’s healthy, non-sugary food. I remember once when I was a kid mom took us to McDonald’s on the way home from the dentist and she let me have a caramel sundae. I was thrilled but my mother told me years later she still felt guilty about it.


LisaMarie said...

Love the sundae story. Growing up with a mom who worked for a dentist, we weren't allowed to eat anything for at least 3 hours after our flouride treatments. It totally sucked!

Viki said...

We always got the flouride treatments, too, so we never got treats. I think a little McDonald's sundae is a great treat for any day, though. Congats on not having any cavities!

RandomBitsofDigitalFlotsam said...

I'll confess to being a typical guy and not worrying about it in any way close to what you describe =).

TreyJ said...

Yeah, same here. After the dentist, all bets are off.