Thursday, June 08, 2006

Morning Routine

Routines are an interesting thing. I suspect that everyone has one for weekday mornings that they follow and very likely on weekends too. My morning routine M-F is always the same (what a shock, I know):

1. Jim pseudo wakes me up by cuddling in bed for 3 minutes before he eats breakfast
2. I get out of bed at exactly 7:30
3. I go to the bathroom and take my thyroid pill
4. Turn the radio on to my morning show
5. Shower- wash hair, rinse hair, condition hair, wash body, rinse conditioner out, wash face, dry off. In that order.
6. Turn on curling iron and dry hair
7. Straighten/curl hair as determined in shower
8. Tone Face
9. Put on Deodorant
10. Moisturize face
11. Put make-up on
12. Pick out the day’s outfit
13. Turn on iron
14. Make the bed
15. Iron clothes
16. Get dressed
17. Turn off radio
18. Leave at 8:11
19. Get to work at 8:29
20. Get coffee (with 1/2 packet of Sweet N' Low and a dollop of vanilla creamer) and granola bar
21. Read top news stories so I’m “in-tune” with the world
22. Read blogs
23. Plow into email

Every day. Same thing. Same order. The only variance is when I kiss Jim good-bye because he leaves at various times. Maybe I am OCD... Perhaps this is an area that I could start my spontaneous activities? Or is that too much to tackle in the first hour of being awake?


Finlands finest said...

I say stick to the program, you are a well oiled machine by now, if you change you will forget something....I do not have a morning routine perfected at my new house yet and in the past month i've forgotten to put dishes away, put on deodorant, my phone, and money. :)

LisaMarie said...

I pretty much ahve a morning routine during the school year. Here are the exceptions...Kendall's schedule. I try to let him sleep as much as possibly so I get up earlier than him to it kind of depends on the rotation. In the summer I don't have a routine...and I notice it. I forget to take my pills, I get hungry at "snack time"...I say stick to a routine.

RandomBitsofDigitalFlotsam said...

I, again, will disagree with both opinions here.

Shake things up in the morning. Surprise Jim with some morning extra-curriculars every once in a while. Get up 30 minutes early one morning and read a chapter or two in your book.

I try to do something different each morning. It adds spice to the day, and really helps me stay out of that "stuck in a rut" feeling.

Besides, my parents both have set in stone morning routines. I have no wish to become either of my parents before I'm 30 thank you very much.

Ask yourself Karen, are you becoming your mother?

Karen said...

i already am my mother!

LisaMarie said...

I don't know if I'd say that...but don't we all inevitably become our mothers at some point? Why fight it? =D