How or why then it was such a shock to realize on Friday that I still have 3 more months to go seems odd, even to me. But when I see myself as "very pregnant" and realize it's only going to get more (I don't want to use the word "worse") from here I shake my head in amazement. I'm losing the cute phase too quickly!
I don't think I look that big in real life but this picture was just taken 2 minutes ago....
and yes, that looks like a big tummy to me.
Chris is a very squirmy little guy and I don't mind a bit. Since I also don't mind people touching me several have gotten the chance to feel him in action. Their smiles at feeling him kick make me smile.
I'm so used to the last belly picture you posted (your facebook pic) that I forgot your belly must be bigger by look beautiful! Love your hair too.
You didn't look that big on Sunday...
Ohh and I loved feeling Chris kick!
definitely not a house or even a double wide! you look wonderful :-)
well, strangely enough i just went to the dentist who asked "no x-rays today" and was surprised to hear not because i was pregnant. Now, granted i was tilted on my back so not as big but still! when i told him i was 6 months along he looked at me in total disbelief and said "i would have never guessed."
I think you look cute - yes, bigger than the first time around, but isn't it supposed to be that way?
I like the belly! I always thought it looked better the bigger it gets (within reason, of course). I think you look great!
Perhaps the dentist was being polite - or has learned his lesson about presuming the belly is a pregnancy (i.e. making small talk.
Dentist: "is this your first child? when are you due?"
patient "I'm not pregnant. (bites hard on dentist's fingers.)"
I think you look great! So does Max...that's his best friend in there! :P
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