Thursday, January 15, 2009

Proper Order

My friends who are couples are often referred to in the same order each time.

Lisa & Kendall
Tom & Meghan
Sarah & Danny
Joe & Carol
Mark & Caitlin

I'm pretty sure we’re “Jim & Karen” (as opposed to Karen & Jim). Even my parents say it that way and I'm their kid so you think I’d be first.

I’d be interested to see if “my” way to order these couple’s names is what everyone else says too. I know Dale says “Tom & Meghan” but Tom is his better friend of the two so I previously rationalized it that way.

What these orders do have in common, to over-analyze the situation, is that the man is ahead of the woman unless the woman has a two syllable name. Or, put another way, the one-syllable name is first unless both names are two-syllables at which point the woman tends to go first.

OK, I'm thinking about this too hard…..


Anonymous said...

LOL - you are too cute!!
for me you are Karen & Jim, but I knew you before Jim.

Huh other than you every other couple I know is the guy first but your right the guys have one syllable names.


Martha said...

You're Karen and Jim, to me.

I "name" people by the way I knew them - the one I knew first/longest gets named first.

Proper ettiquette says you should always state the woman's name first, due to the whole changing the last name thing and the last name first belonged to the guy, blah blah blah.

Finlands finest said...

I say Carol and Joe....

I think I say:
Kelly and Teddy
Jess and Sean
Karen and Jim

I think I always say my closer friends name first.

Karen said...

you say carol and joe?! that sounds so weird and Carol is my friend!

I thought of an exception to the logic - Viki and Trey.

LisaMarie said...

I say:
Sarah and Danny
Karen and Jim
Viki and Trey
Aaron and Jessica/Jessica and Aaron (I don't know why but I flip flop this one!)

I typically put the initial friend first like Martha does. Jim and Karen just sounds weird to me.

LisaMarie said...

When I think of Max, I try to pair his name with other little girls....

I would say Max and Nicole. ;P
But I'd also say Maddie and I guess I need to find a woman for my son whose name sounds right...I'm not too controlling, am I? Hahaha.

Finlands finest said...

Maybe thats what I need to do--follow Lisa's example and find a guys name that works with mine, then hunt for a guy with that name.

I kind of like Felix and Jen.....

Anyone know a hottie named Felix?

LisaMarie said...

Felix is a sweet name.

Mamma Sarah said...

Lisa & Kendall
Karen & Jim (Danny says the opposite)
Anne & Sean
Bossman & BossesLady

I would have to agree with Martha... seems like for me it's the order in which I met them. Hmmmm, interesting though.

Mamma Sarah said...

Oh, but then you have the Mom & Dad, Grandma & Grandpa, Uncle & Aunt debates too...

Dale said...

I'm thinking it's who you know first... I'll hafta keep testing this theory and let you know.