Tuesday, January 29, 2008

my mother's dream 20 years too late...

I have laryngitis. It’s funny, when I was a kid I always thought it would be kinda cool. Who didn’t pretend they had lost their voice at one point or another? Well, here I am at 28 and trying to be a salesperson with no voice. Pretty tough go. Worse, I have to be a teacher tonight with no voice.

So, what’s it feel like? Literally I feel like my throat is empty. I breathe just fine but even when I try to “ahhhh” nothing but air comes out. It mildly hurts when I swallow but I think that’s equally from the fact that I can only breathe through my mouth since my nose and sinus cavities are totally blocked (and painful!) and my throat is consequently dry.

I’ll admit I smiled when I mentally compared my condition to Arial the mermaid’s. : )


Martha said...

That's fabulous. I mean, sucks for you, yet great at the same time. I've had laryngitis a few times....once it lasted a good 3-4 weeks (and I was working at Winton Woods parky's ark playground - needed to yell at kids all day...its amazing that you can "yell" in pseudo-sign language and kids pay attention).
I enjoyed it. Appreciate it while you can. :)

Finlands finest said...

uh oh---Are you growing fins yet?? Shall we start singing, "Under da Sea, Under Da sea" :)

I hope you find your voice soon. It will be a rough go tonight teaching if you don't. Feel better soon!

Megs said...

i'm sorry but i have to smile at whatever you "say" AKA WHISPER today. i think it's quite cute and adorable... and i think it's pretty funny when i catch myself whispering back at you... not realizing that i dont have to whisper at all.

Karen said...

i went to see Nicole over lunch and no one there spoke to me the whole time. EVERYONE, the kids, the babysitter, everyone, whispered! :)

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm gonna yell, "GET WELL SOON!!!" Hope you are back on your feet sooner than later.

Mamma Sarah said...

Sorry to hear about this trama to your voice. I'm sure you made the best of it!

Katharine said...

Laryngitis always amuses me, as long as there's not cold to go with it. I got it once and had an oral exam at school. I got a 100% though. The really amusing part was that it was AI (artificial insemination- yes i took the class, yes it's a real class, and yes i got an A) and I got my answers right with charades.

Viki said...

I would freak out if I got laryngitis...one year I UD I got it right before voice juries. Sucked. Anyway, I hope you got through class Ok, and I hope it doesn't last too long. I loved your comparison to Ariel, too. :-)