Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Last Night's Antics

Nicole, as I've mentioned before, changes classrooms 5 times to get different subjects. Sometimes she gets on kicks from one of the teachers and (this makes me happy) they're often from previous months of lessons versus what she's immediately learning now.

Lately Nicole's kick is continents (which she can point to on a map):

(In February they learned about the body (muscles, bones, brain), the letters L-O-V-E, fractions, animals from around the world, and art projects using hearts.)

Chris LOVES bath time because of all the splashing.

Not sure how it happened but this morning when I came to wake him up he'd somehow worked one of his arms out of his PJs.... yes, they were still zipped all the way up with the snap zipper flap still fastened....


Finlands finest said...

Everytime you talk about what Nicole knows and you show videos, I am constantly amazed. She is getting a great education already and she is VERY intelligent!

I think Chris maybe one of those kids that like to be naked. He is showing tendencies. :)

Ms. Sarah said...

When I was a kid I used to wake up out of my pj's all the time, haha!

Martha said...

I can't get past teaching 2 yr olds fractions...I can see it's practicality, though: Please share half your cookie with me....

Karen said...

They did halves, thirds and quarters. They practiced with hearts (broken and put them together to demonstrate two halves = 1 whole), quarters of squares, and thirds of circles.

LisaMarie said...

LOL! Poor Chris!

Katrin said...