Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Baby Progress- Labor's started!

Arrived at the hospital at 8:50 and IV went in around 9:20; Caitlin got it on the first stick. Jim didn't watch. :) Pitocin started at 9:40 (Caitlin's very organized) and is upped every half hour. Currently I'm getting 3ml a minute. Contractions are about every 5 minutes but not painful- I feel them coming and going but they're not even uncomfortable. In between Chris moves around.

My water will be broken at 11:00 - that's when the pain started with Nicole. I suspect the epidural will go in not long after that.

Jim took a picture of me on the computer and just for the glory of it I'm going to send some work-related email now while I'm officially in labor. ha!

More later!


Finlands finest said...

Stop working and expend all energy on Chris's delivery. :)

Good luck and thinking of you!

Viki said...

You're nuts. I say that in the most affectionate way. :-)

Anonymous said...

I expect Chris to post a blog as soon as he is born.


Unknown said...

Thinking of you and waiting to hear news...good luck!