Thursday, November 13, 2008

What's Up

Things with us have been pretty busy. Lots going on socially and financially that have lead to long nights and long conversations:

1. Our social calendar is back to crazy. Last Friday we had 5 other couples from the neighborhood over and the last one didn’t leave until 2am after about 5 bottles of wine and 50 bottles of beer. I was exhausted the next morning when I got up at 7am to go to teach.
The next night we had Sean and Jessy over for games, of which I lost all. :(

2. This weekend we have 2 game nights and one luncheon scheduled. The weekend after that we head to Spencerville for Thanksgiving and rush back so Mom and I can go to a play. The activities never seem to stop!! But we want to do them all so it’s our own fault for being so busy.

3. We have decided to buy the lot behind us. We walked it with the developer and it’s 1.3X bigger than our current lot. Joe thought that for our purposes it’d take about $1000 to clear it out and prep the ground for sod (which’ll probably be another $1000). It’s the right thing to do long term but makes me sigh over another 5-digit check to cut.

4. This land purchase comes at a precarious time of me getting offered a new job (still with my same company, just doing something other than what I do now). It’s a job that I created, proposed, and pushed and would change me from sales to sales (of something different) and project management. I'm VERY interested in doing this but would be at a 15% reduction in pay. It’s that fun debate of how valuable is liking what you do. Jim gave me one of the best compliments last night as we talked it through – he said that he ultimately wants me to be happy at my job but likes being able to tell others I make more than he does and, above this, thinks I'm worth more than him in the marketplace with my skill set. Because of this, the idea of me choosing to make less frustrates him. Especially if I could go some place else, do something I’d like to do, and make more. It makes me feel guilty for wanting to accept. It makes me want to find a new job. It makes me unsure of the “right” thing to do.

5. On a high note, today is my 4th wedding anniversary. We got a few cards/emails and my mom called today to wish us well. Grandma T. had us over last night for dinner which Nicole and I thoroughly enjoyed (she was a BEAST in how much she ate!) and we’re going to go to Kabuto, a hibachi grill, tonight for dinner to celebrate. I think Nicole will get a kick out of the cooking action. :)


Finlands finest said...

Happy Anniversary!

Viki said...

Happy anniversary!

Regarding the potential new position - as long as you can afford for money not to be everything right now, do it. The extra daily job satisfaction should be enough, but you're CREATING a position, which I imagine would make you that much more marketable when you do want to look for a new job at some point down the road.

It's frustrating to make less than you're worth, but sometimes its a tradeoff. I make less than I'm worth, but right now I'm a) still learning a lot in my new field, and b) working for a non-profit type of company. I think the company's mission is incredibly important, and that's definitely worth something, too...being able to say that I'm a part of helping lower-income people purchase homes is incredibly worthwhile!

Martha said...

Happy Anniversary!

I couldn't take a 15% reduction in pay, no matter how much I enjoyed the job. But we're in very different situations, different spending priorities, and (I'm assuming) different pay scales.

Yay for buying the backyard! I'm excited for you.

Katrin said...

Happy Anniversary!

Take the other job. Happiness is way more important than cash.

Katharine said...

Happy Anniversary!

Hmm...while money doesn't buy happiness, not having money can make one very unhappy...but in your 2 income household, I doubt your pay reduction would feel as severe, as say, it would to Martha (as I think she was implying)

LisaMarie said...

It is flattering that your husband likes to brag you make more than him. I wish I could say that I made more than my husband! Does the 15% NEVER come back? Or is it something you could "re-earn" over time through a raise?

I'm all about having a job that makes you happy. While there are times that my job sucks and I get really frustrated with it, ultimately, my co-workers are what keep me there. You run the risk of hating new co-workers at totally different job if you try to move. Not that it should be the thing that deters you.

And really, 15%....does that even kick you under 6 figures? I mean, you are the richest person Kendall and I are friends I doubt it will kill your salary that much. :P HAha.

Oh, and Happy Anniversary! Am I a jerk for not sending a card? Do people send cards for those? Do you send me cards for those? Now I'm paranoid....

Dale said...

It's funny, with you guys I'm thinking "wow, it's only been 4 years?" I guess it's just a function of me not realizing I've lived in Cinci for 8 years.

A note about your job that may save you the stress... if you're taking a job that you enjoy more and suits your position more, won't you do better at it, and therefore increase your salary to the point of overtaking your current job? And if you stay in a job that isn't necessarily as enjoyable or you're good at, then you'll most likely stay in that salary for a longer time.

So set up your new job to be better potential than your old one because you're so much better at it.

markjx said...

Happy Anniversary!

Regarding the job: I took a 10-15% pay cut to leave a company that issued stock to go to a non-profit. I'm so much happier in the new job that it was totally worth it. Think of it this way: would you pay 15% of your salary to do something that made you happy? Like, a hobby, a cool thing for the house, or a vacation? Of course you would! So, you're just spending a smaller amount every day, to be a little happier every day. Much better value than spending a bunch to go on vacation...

Congrats on the lot. It sucks in the near term but it'll be better in the long term. Remember: You don't have to clear and sod it this year. It'll wait until Nic's old enough to really enjoy it.

Thanks again for hosting us last weekend. Caitlin and I had a BLAST!

Oh, what'd you guys think of Kabuto? Caitlin and I like it mucho!


Finlands finest said...

I have thought about this a lot. I have considered changing careers to one (I think) would make me happier. I haven't due to the money. Should I? Probably. I am personally not ready to make the change and I am okay with what I am doing. Later when my life situations change, I might make the change as well.

I like what Dale, Mark, Lisa, and Viki had to say. I do think happiness is better in the long run than money. I also think that if you are financially secure enough that you could take the pay cut, the quality of life will be improved.

Good luck with the decision!

Martha said...

So how was dinner? Did Nicole enjoy it?

Martha said...

On the happy/enjoying your job statements - my job is fantabulous! My HOBBY, my stress relief is my JOB. I get paid to cook and develop new foods. :D
Perhaps I have a skewed perception, therefore, on leaving my current job for one that would pay less, b/c I can't envision one being better than my current job and worth the pay decrease. Except for a relatively short stint (that felt like eternity) I've always had my dream job.
I've developed products (that MADE it to the marketplace) for Campbell Soup, Pacific Naturals, Burger King, Ken's Steakhouse, Heinz, Unilever (knorr, lipton, ragu, bertolli, etc), Pepsico/Quaker and others. What's not to love?!??

Anonymous said...

Daniel Gilbert's "Stumbling upon Happiness" would say you have to take the new job.

If you don't you will always wonder and regret it, but if you do you will rationalize yourself into thinking it was the correct choice even if it really isn't.


TreyJ said...

Hmmm...tough choices. The only way I would take a new position for less pay would be if it was music-related. If it were in the same company and relatively the same line of work, I couldn't go for it...but do what is best for you.

Cortny said...

Happy Anniversary! And good luck with your new job. I have also been paid less to work at something more rewarding... trade offs!