The numbers below represent the most I'm willing to pay without feeling irritated or remorseful at the end of the transaction:
Haircut: $40
Highlight: $75
Candy Bar: $.65
Oil Change: $22
Lunch: $10
Cocktail: $7
Pizza: $13
Speeding Ticket: $80
Shoes: $50
Boots: $75
Sheet of Professional Photograph(s): $10
Glass of Coke at a restaurant: $2
Gallon of Paint: $35
Willie, mio gatto bello
9 years ago
I'm amused at the speeding ticket is included.
A) you don't feel even slight irritated for getting one AT ALL? Or remorseful or anything?
B) that it even made the list it makes me think this is quite the regular occurance.
Many of those things I have no idea what "normal" prices are anyway - paint, sheet of photos, oil change (get it done with rest of my annual maintanence), candy bar, highlights, etc. I budget $5 for lunch, 2-3x per week. Otherwise it's usually leftovers or freezer clean-out or soup.
I think I would pay anything for a candy bar :-)
How many speeding tickets have you gotten to have a number for that one?!?!
Wow - speeding tickets in Ohio are cheap! I should move there! Just kidding - I haven't gotten a speeding ticket since 2003 (knocking on wood).
I just tried to post but I don't think it went through...
Wow! Speeding tickets are cheap in Ohio - I should move there! Just kidding...I haven't gotten a speeding ticket since 2003 (knocks on wood).
I also will not pay more than $40 for a haircut, although I've found that as a rule, if I pay any less, my cut usually sucks. I cannot justify salon coloring expenditures, though, and have become an expert dye-at-home person. I don't think I could make the time for would grow out too much inbetween and that would drive me nuts!
I'm like lindsay, I'd pay anything for a candy bar. :) I'm going to do this list on my blog too!
i am irratated at all tickets but i speed so frequently that when i get one i feel justified that i save enough time speeding to merit a ticket. I think though that any ticket over $80 is the county being greedy. this is my opinion about speeding tickets only (versus parking which should be less and DUIs which should be jail time). I guess i should clarify that i've never been ticketed for more than 25MPH over so i don't know what's reasonable for excessive speeding
25 mph over CAN be exessive speeding! I think speeding should be expensive. Sure 'everyone' does it. But it does put other people at risk, as well. Reaction
times, stopping times, etc are all longer, especially with a 25mph speed difference. Put yourself at risk, fine. Put others at risk and you should be held responsible.
That being said, I speed, too, though more like ~10 mph over. Although I've been much more conscientious about it recently with high gas prices. I'm likely to go a little slower to save money on gas. For the most part, a couple minutes in time doesn't matter to me.
About the Tickets...
A. Leave earlier, drive slower. You'll be glad you did. If that doesn't work, go to
B. Get up earlier, then go to step A.
I am irrated that you get any tickets. I guess that is the "Dad" in me.
I think Ohio speeding tickets are a joke (knock on wood I haven't gotten one out here!)
When I lived in Massachusetts it was easy to get a $225 speeding ticket (which I have had a few). back then you paid $75 as a flat fee for getting a ticket and $10 per mile over the limit, so going 70 in a 55 gets you a $225 ticket!
I'm too cheap to list what I pay for those things!
I don't like spending more then $30 for shoes unless they are sneakers which I will pay up to $50.
I hate how the prices of soda have gone up in restaurants!!!
I don't like to oay more then $5 for a lunch, $8 at the most. I will splurge for Indian buffets :)
You don't consider 25 MPH over as excessive speeding?!?!?!?! LOL!!!!!
Karen, you need a GPS in your car. My GPS cured me of speeding. Why?
Because I was able to see exactly how much time I was "saving". I drive all over Cincinnati, and even going from the eastside to the westside, want to know on average how much time I saved by speeding? 4 minutes........ for trips shorter than that, the savings are much less, like in the 2 minute range.
Hmmm, 4 minutes vs. $80. Ya, it's just not worth it.
Trust me, buy a GPS and you'll understand.
It is worth noting that while she puts an amount down, neither she nor I have had a speeding ticket in at least 3 years.
One of the last times I got a ticket I asked the state highway patrolman what his tolerance was for speeding. He said they get plenty enough of people over 15mph that they hold that to be their threshold as a rule of thumb. I have set my cruise at 76mph (in a 65mph zone) and driven by a cop on the interstate and had no effect from it. I really don't like touching my cruise once I set it - note to all who drive 60mph in the left hand lane.
LOL--Jim I feel the exact same way!
Jim - I'm glad you came to Karen's defense. I was thinking this speeding ticket thing must be some sort of a monthly occurance or something!!
Oh yes, I forgot to congratulate you on your ticket. :-)
I got 2 in Racine, doing 80 in a 55, and they were each over $300. I went to court and they each got reduced to $145, but still, it hurts. I very much believe that Racine county in WI makes all of their money from speeding tickets, catching people from Chicago who are going up through WI.
how much would you pay for the perfect pair of jeans? and i mean perfect.
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