Monday, August 10, 2009

first smile caught on "film"

He's been smiling and coo'ing for about a week and a half now but we never seem to have a camera around/quick enough. He was very happy and chatty this afternoon while leaning against my legs! :)


Laura said...

He's super cute!

Mamma Sarah said...

Fantastic!!! Just makes you want to go and squeeze his cheeks. :-)

Jenna said...

Awww I love him!

I love coo'ing!!!

Ahh babies!
(I know a LOoOOng way from 2 years ago!!!)

Finlands finest said...

Awww! I love the smile!

LisaMarie said...

This picture is so freaking adorable!!!!!!

David Polley said...

Wow, he really looks like Jim now, and I see some of his sister in there too. That must be from Mom's side. Great photo... I hope you are doing well. Please take care of your self..

David Polley

Sarah said...

I love it! I can't wait to meet him!!!