Monday, August 24, 2009

Various things to comment on

This weekend was quick but not stressful. I got to hang out with the girls on Friday, we had dinner with my folks, went to the park, did chores around the house, etc.

This was a CNN article last week that I liked about Facebookers. It made me LOL because I know someone in every category unfortunately. I don’t think I'm one of the annoying people… am i?

Mom and Dad introduced us to a new show, Shark Tank, which was on last night. Reminds me of something Dale/Tom/Dave would like. I enjoyed it quite a bit. I want to go on and sell my passport idea.

Jim starts school tomorrow (XU). Makes me kinda sad I'm not teaching this semester….

I'm VERY proud of Jenna’s smoking staus.

I had several moments of “oh she’s growing so big” (physically I mean) with Nicole this weekend. She did look little though when she put Jim’s t-shirt on and it drug on the ground and the sleeves rested at her wrists.

I REALLY like the daily reports our daycare gives us. I also like going to visit Nic and Chris at lunch. Wish it was geographically closer to my office though….

I'm wearing “normal” pants to work today and they aren’t digging into my gut!

I added Dale's Sabbatical to my blogroll - check out his adventures!


Martha said...

In your opinion, which am I on the list of facebook updates?? :)

You have much more fun things than teaching grown ups right now. :)

Congrats on "normal" pants that aren't digging in!!!!

I appreciate Dale's sabbatical being added to the blogroll. Thank you for doing that (now, if he'll update it...)

linds said...

Mike is starting school today. I think he is very excited!

Finlands finest said...

So glad to see you on Friday night!! :)

Why is Jim going to school now? Is he getting a PhD?

Jenna said...

Yea, go me!

I have been quit for 1 Week, 6 Days, 20 hours, 8 minutes and 10 seconds (13 days). I have saved $70.57 by not smoking 235 cigarettes. I have saved 19 hours and 35 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 8/10/2009 7:30 PM

Laura said...

Thanks for sharing the Faceboook article, i found it hilarious.

I want to know your Passport idea!