Monday, December 10, 2007

Weekend of 12/7/07

We’re becoming our old selves again- party central. We had a few months of “off” time with Nicole and the new house – hadn’t gone to my parents to play cards in literally 6 months (something we had done 1-2X a month before) and haven’t had the many times/month dinner parties either. With the holidays approaching and the subsequent plethora of holiday parties to attend, our weekends are now jam-packed again.

Nicole met Santa on Saturday morning at the local grade school. She looks a bit skeptical of his brown mustache though! To prove her suspicions she left with a big handful of white beard.

Friday night I had a cookie exchange to attend with Nicole. Jim went for a guy’s night with Sean G. so he conveniently missed out on the niceties. My MIL made the 12 dozen cookies required and I brought home 11 dozen in exchange for them. Worked out great as Jim and I attended a different cookie exchange/holiday party at Tom/Meghan’s the following evening. Tom called Jim a few week ago to book the 8th with us and it was good he did – we had a total of 3 Christmas parties that evening and an invitation with an overlapping time to their party came in about 6 hours after their conversation! Following Meghan’s party (great time, great people!) we headed over to Jim’s boss’s boss’s house for a work party. AMAZING catered food (crab cakes, fruit, shrimp cocktail, etc.) and lots of laughs with Jim’s co-workers. We didn’t pick Nicole up from my aunt and uncle’s until 11:20 that night!

Sunday was another full day – we hosted friends for lunch that afternoon and they stayed until 4 when we left to continue our quest for the perfect mattress and bowl-out. Why are we bowling out? Because David Polley & crew have a Christmas concert that we attend every year when we’d normally bowl. If you would like to join us for some Christmas music next Sunday, 12/16/07, the concert is at 7:00 (see flyer for more details).

I have to start Christmas shopping… I feel out of the loop as I haven’t engaged in the mall rush even once yet this year!


Finlands finest said...

You are back to Ms. Popularity. Don't let it exhaust you. :)

Viki said...

Yeah, I don't know how you do it with a kid. I'm barely keeping up with myself & Trey...

Mamma Sarah said...

Whew... makes me tired just reading all that fun. Great pic of Nicole with Santa. I'd be suspicious of the brown 'stach too.

TreyJ said...

I'm a busy person, but reading about your schedule makes me tired!!!

Martha said...

And what did Nic tell Santa she wants for Christmas? :)

Anonymous said...

Nic said she wanted her proverbial "two front teeth".

Martha said...

Or does she want a HULA-HOOP?

...A Hippopotamus???