Thursday, November 05, 2009

Nicole's Education

Before Chris was born Jim and I decided we wanted to move Nicole from the home-based babysitter she was going to to a more pre-school-like daycare. Like every other parent on the planet we think our daughter is really bright and [obviously] want to nurture this as much as possible.

I have to say that I am thrilled with where she's going (TLC Academy) and what she's learning. It used to be that Nicole would learn what we taught her - ABC's, counting, songs, etc. Now she knows things that I know I didn't teach her- she asks to sing songs I've never heard of, she knows 3 planets by name, etc.

Yesterday's report said she's studying the following:

Language Arts - Dd

Science - Dinosaurs

Art/Dramatic Play - Fall Leaves

Geography - Spain

Math - 5

Yeah, it's almost 2X as much as what we were paying but it's worth it.

All this aside, we still really push Nicole at home to learn new things. I realized last week that she has all the fundamental tools to play a basic version of Uno - she knows her colors and her numbers. My first attempt at teaching her had her too distracted with how cool shuffleing was- we didn't get any further than her trying to shuffle all the cards. Last night we pulled them out and had her sort all the cards into piles - black, red, yellow, green, and blue. She was very happy to sort. Afterwards Jim used the cards like flash cards to test her on her letters/numbers/colors.

Jim thinks that after doing this for another week we'll be able to actually try playing the game again less the word cards.


Finlands finest said...

I think Nicole is a smart little girl too! I like how she is so excited about her numbers and letters and learning. It is so good to see.

Let me know when her daycare teaches Finland!!! :)

Dale said...

What happens when the draw 4 comes up?

Jenna said...

By far smarter than me... :-P

Sarah said...

This is fantastic! I agree, she is a very smart little girl, almost as smart as she is cute!

LisaMarie said...

She is so smart! I can't wait for Max to be this smart!!! :)

Viki said...

This is really impressive. How is she with concepts? Meaning, when she sees three pennies, can she count out the three? Even if she's not there yet, it's fantastic that she's recognizing so much.