Jenny graciously let me tag along with her and her friends to go see New Moon (the next in the Twilight series) yesterday. I just re-watched Twilight in preparation for this and disliked it even more for the first time. As a result of being re-disappointed it made me even more happy that New Moon was so good. The screenplay was true to the book, the director made good theatrical decisions and the acting was up to par. I was especially impressed with Taylor Lautner’s acting for his age/experience. There were some laugh-out-loud funny parts, only one really cheesey seen and just one part section that I felt for those who hadn't read the book(s) because it went too fast and didn't probably have enough detail for those not in the know the way you are when you read a book. Overall rating: A-
Two other New Moon points- I'm only slightly embarrassed that I'm falling in love with Taylor Lautner’s body like every other woman in America. But holy crap, how can you not?! The embarrassed part stems from his age (which, when you’re only 17 it’s “more than just a number”) and that I normally don’t get all ga-ga over any celebrity. I have no physical draw to Robert Pattinson at all. Especially when he’s all pasty white like he is in these movies.
I teased Mandy (Jen’s friend who saw the movie with us and was quite descriptive of her intentions for both actors if they were ever in her company much to my amusement) that there’s certain to be a porn version of New Moon that will eventually release. I can count the number of porn shows I’ve ever seen on two fingers but this one I would not only seek out, I’d have a girls night in party to watch it.
Jenny is letting me borrow her Anita Blake vampire series which I'm currently in book 13 (?) of. This morning Nicole climbed in bed while I was feeding Chris and reading it.
"Mommy, this your book?” she asked picking it up.
“Yes, Nicole, that’s my book.”
“What’s it about?”
At this point I was SHOCKED that she asked me that question- whenever she shows that she grasps concepts (not just nouns and verbs) I get amazed. I was even more overwhelmed by the fact that there was pretty much nothing about the book’s plot that I could describe to a 2-year old. This series is classified as “horror” and is some of the most sexual and violent work I’ve ever read in my life. My answer ended up being “Friends going on an adventure.”
After she flipped through it, closed it and announced “The end,” I asked how she liked it.
“Very good. Ocean book is better.”
We babysat Ryann on Saturday – I’ll post some video up when I get home. : )