Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me!

Today is my somethingorother birthday – I'm turning 30 on the 30th. 30 doesn’t really bother me because 1) I haven’t dwelt on it much, 2) being in your thirties means you need to be a responsible adult and with two kids I'm that by default, and 3) I'm the last one in my group of friends (who graduated the same year) to turn 30 so many a brave soul has gone before me and still looks fabulous.

Birthday Humor

The best card I got so far is from Chuck and Kristi – the outside said “You know 30 in roman numerals is XXX? Need I say more?” And on the inside Chuck wrote “… be sure to include Jim in your XXX plans!” ha!

A little TMI

Last night Jim teased that it was his last chance to fool around with a 20-something. I reminded him that he’ll only get one 30-something in his life too.

Philosophical Karen

Some things I’ve learned in the last 30 years:

  • When everything’s going your way don’t spoil it by waiting for/worrying about the other shoe dropping.
  • Even though loving completely sometimes hurt like a bitch, it was absolutely worth doing.
  • I'm nosey, I can’t help it. But, I can keep a secret so I think it’s okay…
  • I think I missed a good opportunity to be more independent after college.
  • Worrying is a waste of time and accomplishes nothing but making you feel worse about the situation.
  • In 1999 a person said to me “you’re so beautiful” with such sincerity that I not only believed that he truly felt so but that one comment has fueled me for the 10 years since.
  • To some extent I will always be a pleaser.
  • The things that have brought me the most success in life are, in order: my self confidence, my outgoing personality, and my ability to care, & my intelligence.
  • I’ll never be able to help everybody but I could do more than I'm doing now.
  • It might be wrong, but knowing that someone is envious of me motivates me to do even better.
  • I enjoy the moment more when I'm not working to remember every detail while it’s happening and just live it.
  • I will be a lifelong reader.
  • Someone will always be better than me but that’s okay.
  • Dwelling on the past does not help me live in the present.
  • The greatest compliment that I have ever received was to be the person my friend turned to when they needed someone.
  • There’s a lot of the world I want to see and it makes me sad that I’ll never get to some of the places I want to because of other people making it too dangerous to visit.
  • It is my ambition that my children look to me with the same degree that I respect and admiration that I have for my mother.


Viki said...

If I don't get a chance to actually talk to you today - happy birthday!

I love your list. Glad you think we all look fabulous, despite being older. :-)

Finlands finest said...

I love philosophical Karen! Have a fantastic birthday sweetie!

linds said...

Happy Birthday Karen!!!

David P. said...

Happy Birthday...! Karen
Hope you got the e-card. Man what I could do if I was 30 again, with what I know now at 50 plus

Martha said...

Happy Birthday!

Wow, you turned 30? And I thought we graduated HS together. I just recently turned 28, so I have a couple more years. Good thing, as that buys me a few more years before I have kids and then become that responsible adult.

Laura said...

Happy B-Day!

LisaMarie said...

Good list. Hope you had a GREAT birthday today. :)

Dale said...

Happy BD Karen... and I'm with you 30 is awesome!