Cincinnati native trying to juggle two kids, a successful marriage, a full time project management job and a part time teaching gig. Fortunately I love every component of my crazy life!
concantenate means to take data from more than one source and combine it. For example if you have a column of first names and a column of last names you can use =CONCANTENATE(A1,B1) to make a column of the names together. If you want to add a space between the names you'd write =CONCANTENATE(A1," ",B1).
Pivot Tables aren't easy to grasp :)
Ask Jim about VLOOKUP, he loved doing those for his last job
I've never had to delve into Pivot Tables.
And what the hell does Concantenate mean?
I took a class in college and learned all about the special functions in Excel. It is actually an impressive program!
concantenate means to take data from more than one source and combine it. For example if you have a column of first names and a column of last names you can use =CONCANTENATE(A1,B1) to make a column of the names together. If you want to add a space between the names you'd write =CONCANTENATE(A1," ",B1).
You so smart. Me so dumb. :)
I used to consider myself fairly proficient in Excel... then I read your post and realized I have been living a lie.
Dude - I'm totally using that feature!
Can you do the opposite of concantenating?
I love pivot tables! I need to use them all the time for reporting at work. Sometimes, they take some playing with though to get it right.
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