Friday, February 11, 2011

My last day at work

So, today is my last day of work. My officemate was playing a soundtrack of goodbye songs and one of them was "It's the end of the world as we know it" and to that I reply "and I feel fine".

I do not feel any remorse in my decision to leave at all and I realize what a blessing that is. I'm confident that I'm making the right choice and I'm excited about what lies ahead.

That being said, saying good-bye to people already has been strange. I spent two hours hand-writing individual good-bye notes to every co-worker (including my replacement that I've only met twice!). I hope I don't cry. I hope nobody else does or that goal might be toast.

I've been here for 9.5 years so there are some people I'll miss like crazy. Not miss working with, miss seeing and laughing with. I'm expecting that some relationships stay strong even with the distance- fewer most likely than those who'll fade off and never hear from again. Though Facebook might make "never" more like "seldom".

So, here's to fresh starts, new faces, and the beginning of another adventure.


Dale said...

It's quite a feeling isn't it? I'm really fine when I'm just going about my business, but when I stop and think about it I am kinda sad that things will never be the same! But then again, that's why you make the move right?

Best of luck to you!

Jen W. said...

Good luck Karen! New adventures are always exciting.

Finlands finest said...

You will like your new job and make many great new friends!! :)