Friday, October 02, 2009

Potty Training

Nicole first started saying that she went “poo poo” at about the 18 month point. That had me excited – I pulled out the potty chair, encouraged and praised but got very little result actually in the potty. I don’t think her old sitter did much for her to make progress but she wasn’t even two yet so I didn’t worry.


Now, in traditional daycare, she goes with her class to the bathroom every two hours. Most of the time she’s wet when she gets there but in the last several days she’s gone 4/5 trips. Wednesday she went twice at my moms after informing them she had to go. Apparently we need to work on getting her to "hold it" longer. How the heck do you do that?!


Last night at JC Penney (we were getting Chris’s 3 mo pictures taken) she told me but it was too long of a trip to the bathroom to be successful by the time we got there. 15 minutes later she told me again but I had to put her off as I was in the middle of selecting pictures. Good thing she still wears diapers/pull-ups so even when getting there in time isn’t possible it’s not a huge mess.


It’s a weird thing – I'm excited she’s fully in the throes of potty-training but man is it inconvenient at times… Sometimes I think I'm not helping the situation when I have to put her off like last night. I bought her princess panties but they didn’t have any plastic bloomers to put over them and I'm not willing to sacrifice my furniture to any accidents so they haven’t come out of the package yet.


Laura said...

Nicole sounds like she is really doing well! I agree, potty training is inconvenient. I think I'm procrastinating giving Ella a big push b/c I don't think I"M ready to deal with running to the restroom every half hour in public, accidents, etc.

Finlands finest said...

Good luck! She will get the hang of it--all of us do. :)

Jam said...

I have one word for you - PULL-UPS, they have very nice designs on them - cars for boys, princesses for girls. They feel like underwear, but still act like a diaper. When we managed to go an extended amount of time with those dry - I switched to big boy underwear. Ryan has given up the pull ups except when he is sleeping. Most days he wakes up dry....but we don't want to force it yet.

Mamma Sarah said...

I hate potty training. I'm with ya on the whole it's inconvenient but she'll get the hang of it. Alex totally regressed with my out of town trip and now I'm going to be spending yet another week of refresher and getting him out of pull ups/diapers. I hope for you, it all just happens overnight! :-)