Sunday, August 19, 2007

The Beach and the House

We signed with a realtor the night before we left for vacation. It was a recommendation/referral from one of my co-workers who used Jack for his recent move and really liked him. He impressed Jim and I with his “partnership” approach- really focusing in on the fact that this is a joint effort between us when it comes to decision-making regarding price, etc. Anyway, he had an open house today which one person attended and we’ve had 2 other scheduled appointments other than that. As of tomorrow the house will be “formally” listed on the market for 1 week.

The vacation to Myrtle Beach was great. Work continues to call (as they do several times a week) despite my being less able to give full or accurate information over the phone. Nicole has an unfortunate fussy time from 8-10pm every night (especially unfortunate as that’s the core time she gets to see Jim and she gives a bad impression of her temperament) and we found that what soothes her is being outside on the balcony listening to the ocean. Literally once you crossed the threshold from inside to out she was calm instantly and typically asleep within minutes. We tried to isolate the variables so that we could copy the atmosphere at home – was it the heat? The humidity? The sound of the ocean? I think we determined it to be the temperature first and foremost.

If outside wasn’t immediately available or wasn’t convenient the next thing that Nicole preferred was to be in Greg’s arms. Unfortunately I can’t compete with the salary he receives at his full time job or I’d hire him to be my nanny. That guy has a magic touch with his niece and she adores him.

We played lots of mini golf while in SC and I did POORLY at it. We also played a slew of board games, including a new one that Dad got me for my birthday (September 30) but decided we needed to play on vacation so I got it early. Good game, I think the Sturgis brothers will particularly enjoy it as it combines logic, trivia and strategy.

All in all it was a good trip. While a break from work for everyone else, what it provided from me was a break for myself. With 5 other competent adults who were eager to hold and care for Nicky, I got to actually walk the shoreline and go shopping sans baby- makes for faster, more enjoyable afternoons when you know your kid is taken care of and you don’t need to worry or go through the extra effort of toting her along.

Other highlights:
1) My cousin Jonathan caught not 1 but 2 sharks while deep-sea fishing- the only fish caught by the trio of guys going out!

2) Ocean was WARM after some horrendous rainstorms

3) Mom bought Nicole a bathing suit on clearance that we played dress-up with. We also tried on the bikini that Lori bought her- she wasn't as thrilled with our antics by the time we got it on her though...

4) Dad cooked breakfast for the whole crew every morning and made me coffee daily- first coffee I’ve had in MONTHS and damn was it good

5) Went to the Ripley's Aquarium on Thursday. Not worth $19, but still a fun time. I have a new appreciation for how nice Newport's aquarium is


Mamma Sarah said...

Love the pictures... sounds like a great vacation!!! :-) Isn't it funny how we torture our kids? :-)

Viki said...

Glad you had a nice time on vacation - I love the bikini on Nicole!

There's something about babies loving being outside - our nephew, Samuel, loves looking out Mimi & D'Daddy's backyard, to which lots of birds and other animals come.

Glad you finally got to have some coffee. :-)

Finlands finest said...

I love the pics. :) I think it is fantastic that the whole family got to spend so much time with her. She is a lucky little girl (too cute in a bikini too

Megs said...

Sounds likes a GREAT vacation and I love the pictures!! Can't wait to see more! Welcome back to Cincy! We miss you dearly here at MTCI!

Gtemp said...

I like how you make comments about how Nicole is in good hands with "competent" adults so that you don't have to worry and every picture you have up of people (besides yourself) are holding her asleep!

Anonymous said...

Greg made quite the amusing observation!
Although I am sure they ARE competent when caring for Nicky.
Sounds like you had a great break on your vacation!

LisaMarie said...

That bikini is GREAT! That's a photo to show the first boyfriend! LOL!

You look good too. Glad to hear you had a good trip. I'm sure it was nice to feel like an independent grown up again! Only one more week til work, right?

Katrin said...

The photos are so cute!!! And I think you are raising a Victoria's secret model... Glad you are back and that you had a nice vacation.

Dave said...

What's the board game?
I have found that I am one of those rare people who could play board games all day.
Are kids not growing up with these games w/ all the new tv and video games?

Karen said...

the game is called The Perfect 10- sounds like a reason for us to get together soon!