LIBERTARIANS support maximum liberty in both personal and economic matters. They advocate a much smaller government; one that is limited to protecting individuals from coercion and violence. Libertarians tend to embrace individual responsibility, oppose government bureaucracy and taxes, promote private charity, tolerate diverse lifestyles, support the free market, and defend our civil liberties.
Yeah, that sounds about right.
That sounds pretty much like where I am as well. :)
I've taken that same quiz before....and I thought it was pretty accurate. I do consider myself Libertarian too.
I thought Librarians shelved books? BAHAHHA, Just KIDDING!
According to the test, I am a Centrist leaning towards the Right a bit.
Well...Here is how I feel about some of this...My opinion only of course....... and I am sure a lot of folks will not agree...
That's OK. We still live in a free country, but if things keep going the way they are, our freedom is slowly being taking away, and we need to do something about it now.
I beleive our Childrens future depends on it....
I think we need some Government, but nothing like what is happening now. Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and most of the Presidents CZARS are absolute idiots. I can not WAIT until November. "We The People" will finally get to speak and a lot of these elected officals are going to wish they had listened to the folks they represent back home.
I have no idea what Congressman Stupak of Michigan was thinking when he agreed to vote for the Health Care bill.
The President's execitive order not allowing federal funds for abortion is NOT a law.
This so called exective order isn't worth the paper it was signed on, and means absolutely nothing. You can put it on a roll and use it for toilet paper.
I am appalled that my taxes will start funding abortion through the back door. Congressman Stupak finally broke under the pressure of Health Care Reform, and he and the other 11 Democratic hold outs finally caved in. I can not beleive they trust this man's word.
Now we are ALL going to pay for this health care bill unless we can get it repealed. I am still very upset about all of this..
Our country right now is an absolute mess........!
Just wait until the IRS comes and puts a lien on your property or withholds your tax refund until you buy their health insurance plan.
I guess they will start planting small memory chips in our bodies next, that has all of your personal information availble to anyone who wants to scan you for it...
God Help Us....!
I 've identified myself as a Libertarian for some time, as I ve always been a conservative. Govt should be here to protect us, not to entitle us to itself. Polley has it right.
Wow - I'm pretty appalled by some of Dave's comments. I firmly believe that anyone who doesn't think we should have universal healthcare has never gone through a major illness without really good insurance, let alone tried to deal with anything remotely catastrophic without insurance and have consequently gone bankrupt.
The only thing I'm going to say about the abortion thing is that if you're fiscally conservative, it makes more sense for the feds to cover it. The cost of an abortion is significantly less than the welfare handouts a potential parent would get for said having a kid.
Back to the new legislation - it isn't perfect, but it's a step in the right direction. I think what needs to happen now is some kind of regulation in the healthcare industry to figure out why costs are rising exponentially. Your average medium sized employer is seeing premiums rise well over 10% every year (last year my company's premiums rose 17%), and clearly that's not sustainable. If you're lucky enough to work for a company that picks up most of the cost of your insurance, you probably have no idea that this is happening, or at least have not felt the impact.
In any case, I've always felt more socialist - maybe I should go live in Europe.
Mrs J.
You can not be serious. I know we need health care reform, but not this lousy bill.
If they just would have focused on "Health Care" alone by itself, it could have saved billions going to several of the Democrats on the left that were bribed and rewarded for with their votes.
This was a crime...!
The money that these folks in congress received for their states is very disturbing. The billions these folks received in kickbacks alone, could have easily been a start up fund for health care for the uninsured folks who don't have it.
They are now going to take away my Social Security retirement benefits that I have paid into all of my working life, and take away half of my medicare benefits to pay for this financial nightmare that will backrupt the United States Government by 2020.
Well thanks a lot for nothing...
Health Care is a Priviledge...!
It is not a Right, or especially an Entitlement...
Yes, the government needs to help the uninsured folks, but don't take it out of my pocket. Take it from the Democratic Congressman and Senators who have now pocketed billions in their treasuries......all because of the "Healt Care Bill"
And why is it that the Congress and Senate and other government officals, including the President get a different health care package then the uninsured folks do. Why will their package be better.....I don't think that is fare...but guess what....they are covered, and some how I get the feeling I will be paying for that too....!
The abortion issue still amazes me, It seems to me to be so much easier to avoid having children you don't want using today's technology to avoid getting pregnant to begin with. But no.......that takes too much work and effort.
My God, are a lot, (not all of course), of people out there really that stupid? Thousands and thousands of babies murdered each year...and for what..? Because some "A" hole decided he doesn't want to use a condom...?
A lot of those men out their are just too damn lazy to buy the darn thing, and now we have just made it easier for these folks who aready don't take any responsibility, to just go ahead and get knocked up as many times as you want too.....
Don't worry, President Obama will pay for it...
Well guess what... I am going to have to pay for the uneducated, the ignorant, and the all of the other stupid people out their who don't care about anything but themselves....
I say if you make "them" responsible for their actions, maybe they will think twice about it, and get to the drugstore to prevent the pregnency to begin with..... Wow.. what a concept..
Make them pay for it, not me..
And finally, this IS the United States of America NOT
The Union of Soviet Socialist Republic. They tried that once in 1917. Guess what....
It didn't work. Look it up....
Those folks were't FREE.......!
The Russian government owned them, their children, their property, their income, thier religious freedom, their rights, and guess what...their Health Care.....!
This country was founded because oppressed people living in Europe fleed their homeland and wanted their freedom...
So they came to America... Thousands and thousands came to America, fleeing from Oppression, Dictatorships, Marxism, Communism, Poverty, and yes Socialism.....
I am sure you would be welcomed back with open arms.....
Sorry, that's just how I feel. My father fought Adolph Hitler, and Nazism in WW II for almost 4 years and sacrificed his leg in the process, just so we could have a safer place to live and raise a family.
He gave 4 years of his life for a Freedom that a lot of people just no longer understand or appreciate.
People had better wake up to this administrations efforts to take away some of the freedoms my father fought for and many of his buddies died for. You had better wake up...........!
viki, you're totally right about the cheaper route and abortion. though i'm very pro-choice even i cringe at my tax dollars funding it with no limitation. This goes to my being liberatarian - i want people to have the freedom to do what they want ON THEIR DIME.
I think Dave's beef about that issue isn't political, it's moral.
Ok, last two things I'm saying, and only because I don't think I'm being fairly bashed by Dave here...
1. Please do not call me a communist. Unless I'm not remembering my history correctly, that's was Soviet Russia was.
2. I completely disagree with healthcare being a privilage. Basic healthcare, like a basic education, is something that everyone deserves. To deny these types of basic needs, is detrimental to society as a whole. I'd go so far as to say that denying someone basic healthcare because he or she is poor would also be inhumane.
Dear Mrs J.
I did not call you a communist. I was implying you were a "Socialist", only in that this is what you said you were more like, and that maybe you should live in Europe. The USSR was a socialistic party that fell under a communistic theology.
All I talked about is how those same people who lived in Europe, and were not free, fled their countries to find something better. If it was so good in the first place, whe did so many want to come here.
What I was implying, is that I don't beleive it has gotten any better over there, and most Americans would not want to live there anyway.
Look, this country has it's faults and there is enough blame to go around with many of the politicians who all got us here, both republicans and democrats, but at least we are still the most free nation in the world. I just do not like what we are becoming, less free, and that is what this current administraion is doing to this country right now.
I beleive those folks that really need health care should be able to get some relief from the government. I am not disagreeing with you there. I just don't think it is fair, that I work very hard and pay for my health care, and now I have to turn around and pay for someone else's care too. I should NOT have to pay twice. That is what my Social Security and my Medicare taxes pay for already.
That money would be more readly avaiable to these folks, if it were not for wasteful spending, frivolous lawsuits, medicare fraud, and complete mis-management of the funds.
Think about it...!
Do you really think the government will do any better with the Health Care Reform dollars than they do with Medicare and Social Security dollars?
They don't know how manage money and stick to budgets of any kind.
Do you think they can do it better then then the private sector? All the government has to do is allow States to compete for Insurance across State lines. The competition process will make it much more affordable for everyone involved, and there would even be funds available for the uninsured.
The goverenment needs to stop wasting our tax dollars and get their act together on balancing the budget.
Like I said before, the Democratic Congressman, and Senators that received money for thier votes, should have it ALL put towards a Helthcare fund to start paying for these people in need. This would be a good place to start....
And yes, we need Healthcare reform. I agree with you, but this bill really stinks. This is NOT the bill that will fix this. It is not even a good first step. It is only the first step in the country going belly up.
It needs to be dropped and started all over again. It will cost all of us too much in the long run...
I don't think it is fair for anyone to say that things in Europe or Russia haven't improved. I would readily live in Europe now and I know many americans that feel the same way and many that do live in Europe, they are socialists but living there is not all that different from living in the US. When people founded the US some were leaving because they didn't like their governments, some because they were adventurous and looking for something new, some were looking for opportunities. Lets look at all angles and not let anger distort....
I do not think it is fair to criticize Europe, especially if you have never lived there.
Dear Finlands Finest,
Ok, I will give you that. I was talking in an histoical content.
Yes I have not been to Europe. It is not fair for me to judge from today's standards. I mean The USSR is now broken up and nothing like it was when I was growing up.
I still remember the air raid drills under my desk in the early 60's when we almost became involved in WW III. We were terrified. The USSR was breathing down our necks from Cuba with their nuclear missle threats.
I guess it is not so easy to forget those times. I remeber them like it was yesterday.
Still would not like to live in Russia today though...
Not to big on France or Germany either, though my distant relatives are from Germany. My Great Grandmother left her homeland right before the start of WW I so her eight sons would not be forced to be part of Germany's war machine after the turn of the century.
I think I would love to "visit" England though if I ever had that opportunity. Maybe the Netherlands too...possibly Ireland.
Still do not think I would want to live there..
Just me
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